16 | Get Dressed

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"Come in."

I steadied myself before I opened the door to the bathroom.

"What's up?" Lando asked, still in the shower. The glass was foggy enough that I couldn't see more than a vague blob of color.

"Well, I knocked on the door without thinking because I was excited to tell you something, but as long as I'm in here now, mind if I join you?" I said.

"Not at all." I heard Lando say through the glass.

I slowly took off my clothes and knocked on the glass door. Lando opened it for me, and I stepped inside the steaming shower.

"What are you so excited about?" Lando asked.

"So, I called one of my professors, and she told me she thought it was a good idea, but I should ask someone who did karting what they thought, as well as someone who had progressed past karting, and maybe even talk to a professional racer." Lando laughed, and I continued, glad he thought the situation was as funny as I thought it was. "She also congratulated me on the option of early graduation, which confused the hell out of me, 'cause I thought I had quite a few credits left. I called the Dean's office, and it turns out she was right. I am on track for early graduation because of a rule change that allowed the credits I accumulated in high school to count. The best part is that I have so few credits left now, I can do part-time my last semester."

Lando looked at me, confused by what I had just spewed out to him. "Lan, I can probably come to a lot of your races for the rest of this season, and then I'm done with Uni at the end of this semester."

"Does this mean you would be willing to take the job as the sports psychologist at the karting team as well?" Lando asked, already clearly excited about the news.

I sighed with a smile on my face, "Yes, Lando, I can do the job."

His face lit up even more, and then he kissed me. I could tell he meant it to just be a quick peck, but as soon as he pulled away, he seemed to remember we were standing in the shower together, naked. The smile slowly vanished from his face as he looked into my eyes. We stood there a moment before we hastily closed the gap between us and kissed each other. I didn't realize how much I had been longing for him again.

.   .   .

Lando and I were laying on the bed, him on my chest, when Max knocked on the door and told us that we were going to be heading to the Coral Club in about an hour.

"Okay!" Lando shouted back at his mate.

I started to get up, when Lando pulled me back down.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To get ready." I said.

"You need an hour to get ready?"

"No," I said with a smile, "but we might as well get ready now and then hang out instead of having to rush when we lose track of time."

Lando stuck out his bottom lip in a fake pout, "I guess you're right."

I changed into a black bikini and put a white, slightly sheer cover-up over it. I went into the bathroom and brushed out my tangled hair. I hadn't really washed it when we were in the shower, so my waves were almost completely brushed out. Frustrated by my frizzy hair, I came back into the bedroom. Lando set down his phone on the bed beside him and opened his arms in an attempt to get me to cuddle with him again.

"No." I said. "You go get dressed, then we can cuddle."

Lando let out a groan as he lifted himself off the bed. He turned to look at me and when he saw that I was suppressing laughter, he mumbled "meanie".

I laughed at him, flinching when my phone started ringing.

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