14 | Desprate

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"Hi." I said, nervous to talk to other drivers. I supported all of these guys, and I didn't know what I would do if they didn't like me.

My fears were gone the second the guys started speaking. They were all talking over each other, asking me questions.

"One at a time." I said laughing as Lando cocked his head to suggest we started walking back.

I nodded as George asked, "How old are you?"


"When is your birthday?" Alex asked.

"16th of December."

"Where were you born?" Charles asked.

"Trying to hack me, are you?" I joked. "The United States of America." I said formally to tease Charles.

"Yeah, obviously, but like... where? In the States?" Charles asked.

"The West coast." I said.

"What state?" Charles asked.

"Jeez, you really are trying to hack me. I don't think I want to tell you." I said lightheartedly, earning a laugh from Lando.

"You trying to scare her off Charles?" Alex asked with a laugh. "Why do you live in the UK?"

"I'm in Uni here."

"Cool," George said, "I think I should introduce you to Carmen sometime."

"What are you studying?" Alex asked before I had time to respond to George.

"One-third acting and film, and two-thirds psychology, with a focus on sports psychology." I said, and the other end of the line went silent.

Lando burst out laughing, "Oh my goodness, you guys actually shut up for once!"

"No," George said, "just texting Jost to let him know I found a sports psychologist, he's been on the look out for one."

I wanted to laugh, but George seemed serious. I looked at Lando, who was just as confused as I was.

"Are you serious?" Lando asked.

"Of course, mate. Does it sound like I'm joking?" George replied.

The line went silent, "What's the rest of the lot doing?" Lando asked.

"Same as George." Charles said.

"Same as the both of them." Alex said.

Lando looked at me, my mouth agape with confusion.

"No way!" Lando said as he opened up his messages, "You are not going to steal my girlfriend away from me."

Girlfriend?.. I watched as Lando typed and sent a message to Andreas, Zak, and Charlotte that read, "I know a sports psychologist that Ferrari, Williams, and RedBull all have their eye on now. I need you to hire her if you want to keep me sane."

"Oh my goodness, Lan! Don't be so dramatic! Guys, I'm not even done with Uni!" I said to them all.

"Doesn't mean you can't intern or something." Alex said.

"You guys, that's really sweet, but I'm not even close to looking for a job right now, I'm just trying to get through my last year of school." I didn't understand why the lighthearted conversation had suddenly turned into a race to get me hired.

"You guys know I actually can't because it would be a conflict of interest, right?" I said in a desperate attempt to have the conversation turn normal again.

"What do you mean?" George asked.

"Well, if I were to be a psychologist for any of you guys, there is the possibility my personal life could interfere with and alter my work performance." I said, looking at Lando.

He smiled sweetly at me as Alex asked, "Personal life?"

"She means me, mate!" Lando said, still looking into my eyes. "She can't be your sports psychologist because she's my girlfriend."

"Don't look so smug Lan, same goes for you." I said.

"Damn it," Charles said, "makes sense. Can't have a team member who's really rooting for someone else, can we."

"Exactly." I said.

The conversation turned normal again, and after a while, all the guys had to go.

Lando hung up and looked at me, "Is it really a conflict of interest, or were you just saying that?"

"I'm not sure if it really is." I replied. "But I wasn't going to be working with them. Even if it was technically allowed, there is a moral conflict because I do want you to win. Even if I worked for McLaren, there would still be a moral conflict when it came to Daniel. Plus, it would be really weird and probably really uncomfortable if I was your psychologist."

"This is true." Lando said with a laugh, then he looked deep in thought. "Hey, um, not many people know about this, but I'm starting a karting team."

"Wow Lan, that's really cool!"

"Yeah," he said smiling, "do you think it would be helpful for the kids if they had a sports psychologist when they needed one? 'Cause I was thinking back to my karting days, and I think I would have been in a much better mental state then, and even later on, if I had someone to talk to who understood me and what I was going through."

Lando looked at me nervously. "I don't know, Lan. I'm really not the right person to ask." I told him. "I think if you believe it is the right thing to do, then yes, of course you should have a sports psychologist." I paused. "But I just hope you're not bringing this up because you think I need a job, 'cause I wasn't kidding when I said I just wanted to get through my last year of Uni. I've got a full schedule and I doubt I could fit any sort of job in."

Lando nodded, "I completely understand, and that's not why I'm bringing it up. It's just all the talk about psychologists in the teams made me think it might be a good idea to build up that kind of foundation and support earlier on."

"Well, I think it's a great idea. I can do some research and ask one of my professors about it if you'd like me to. To understand the logistics of it all."

"You'd do that?" Lando asked, surprised.

"Of course!" I said, "You're trying to help kids be in a better mental state, and you're totally right, building up that confidence and helping them understand their problems and insecurities and how to deal with it, that will all help them immensely later in life." I shot him a smile, "I'll start on it when we get back."

"After we take showers." Lando reminded me with a smile.

"Right... after we take showers."

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