36 |Smart Girl

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"I can't believe none of you've ever seen that movie!" George exclaimed.

"Pardon me for having a life." Lando mumbled, not so subtly, under his breath.

We had been at dinner for a couple hours now. Thankfully Charles and Charlotte had chosen to join in as well because they wanted to congratulate and show their support for Lando, Carlos, and George.

Lando seemed to have completely forgotten about his want to get back up to our room, which, to be honest, I didn't mind. I thought it would give me some time to talk to the girls, but none of us had managed to get a word into the fast banter between the boys at the table.

I shifted in my seat to get up, whispering to Lando that I would be back, before getting out of my seat. I motioned for the girls to follow me.

I only had to wait a few minutes in the bathroom until all of them had showed up.

"Okay," I started, "I don't know about you all, but I feel like I can't get a word in edge wise. Is it always like this?"

"Pretty much." Lily said, prompting the other girls to laugh while they nodded.

"And I would assume you don't all want to be silent?" Another nod. "Well, I'll say this, I don't think they even realize they're doing it." I paused to think of how to phrase my proposal. "The way I see it, we have two options: butt our way in verbally, or butt our way in physically."

"So, try to edge a word in, or...." Isa trailed off to prompt me to explain further.

"Edge a word in, or sit on their laps and start having a conversation between the five of us. Make them feel like they're the ones who have to edge a word in." I said as I let a mischievous smile play across my face.

"Considering I feel like I've been trying to do the first for the past couple of hours, I'd say we do the second. Besides, it just sounds more fun." Charlotte said with a glint of mischief in her eye as well.

After a moment of further discussion, it was decided that I would be the first to go back to the table.

I walked out of the room, and I heard the bathroom door open again about 15 seconds after me. I made my way over to the table and leaned down to whisper in his ear "Hi, Love."

As I expected, he put his hand up to my cheek, and right as he touched it, I moved from behind the chair to the side, and sat right on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

The look on his face was so precious. He was shocked, but I also saw the same glint in his eye from his driver's room when he suggested we skip tonight's dinner.

After a moment, there was a collective "ooo" from the guys at the table, and, almost perfectly in sink, the girls stepped beside them and did just as I had only a moment earlier.

While the boys were still shocked, I turned to the center of the table, "Lily, when's your next tour?"

"I can't remember the exact date," she said, "but won't you have Uni?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm just finishing up my last term, and to be honest, I've developed a somewhat flexible schedule."

"That's great!" Carmen said, "Congrats on it being your last term! You don't have much longer to go. What are you studying?"

"Well, I'm doing a combined honours." I said, "One third film and drama and two thirds psychology, focusing on sports psychology."

"Oh, wow!" Isa said, "You must be a smart girl! How'd you end up with that one?" She said, smiling and pointing to Lando.

Suddenly, I felt tickling on my neck, "Okay, that's enough, what are you lot doing?" He said with a smile.

"We couldn't get a word in, so we decided to make a point." Charlotte said proudly.

"Okay, okay, point made." Charles said, laughing at his girlfriend.

We all slid back into our seats, and Carlos asked, "Cami, what are you doing once you finish Univerity?"

"Ummm," I said, looking at Lando quickly. He gave me a nod to go ahead. "Actually, I've been cast in a movie! I'll also be helping out a little bit with an idea Lando came up with."

"Oh my goodness! What movie?" Lily asked.

"Well," I said, "it's called The Glory Days of Keira Smith. It's directed by Jakob Marks, and it's about a girl, Keira Smith, who is taking a gap year before applying to university to try to figure out what her plan is for her life. It touches on a lot of tough subjects, but they're always met with love and support, especially from her family, and, in the end.... Well, actually I think I've already said too much."

"That sounds really cool!" George said.

"Who are you gonna play?" Alex asked, "Some American girl Keira meets on her discovery to find herself?"

I laughed, "Uh, no. Actually, I'm playing Keira."

"Is she American?" Isa asked.

"Nope, she's British." I said, feeling slightly nervous about their reaction to that statement.

"You must have an amazing British accent then." George said, quite skeptical.

"She does, actually." Lando said. "I've heard it before. It's kinda freaky to be honest." He gave me a smile and squeezed my hand.

"Can we hear it?" Lily asked, excitedly.

"Well, give me something to say if you wanna hear it." I replied.

"Okay," George said, "Why don't you just answer this question: who else is in the cast?"

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