31 | The American Friend

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I was walking around the paddock myself because Lando was preoccupied with interviews when I spotted a tall guy in a dark blue shirt with his back turned toward me walking towards the media pen. As the people who were in front of him parted, I saw a short girl with long brunette hair holding his hand.

I walked a little closer to the couple before shouting out, "Minty!"

It took a second before the girl's head shot towards me, and I gave a wave to her. She quickly dropped George's hand, prompting him to turn and watch as Carmen quickly walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh my God!" She said, "It's so good to finally meet you! Sorry if the hug was a bit much, but if we're supposed to be old friends, you know...."

I giggled, "Don't worry, I get it. And I'm sooo happy to meet you as well."

Carmen gasped, "We have to find Charlotte, Lily, and Isa right now!"

She was about to drag me off when George placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, love, you want to introduce me?"

"Oh yeah! George, this is Cami." Carmen said, grinning as she pointed to me. "Like, the famous Cami Jones."

A look of recognition passed over George's face, "Oh, you're La—the American friend." He quickly corrected himself.

I smiled, "Yeah, that's me. It's nice to meet you in person, and thank you for the numbers." I stuck out my hand.

George shook it, "No problem. Nice to meet you!" He smiled back at me before turning to Carmen, "I'll see you later, okay?" He gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head after she nodded, then jogged off to join his PR on the way to the media pen.

I looked back at Carmen and saw her looking after him.

She turned back to me and giggled, "Why does your face make it look like you've just seen the cutest puppy ever?"

"I might as well have." I responded. "You two are way too cute."

"Stop." Carmen laughed.

"Literally my OTP." I said with a grin.

"Oh my goodness. We need to get you to the others before your head explodes."

I gasped, "Oh no! Minty... I think it's too late for that." I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout before laughing, loudly, at the expression of fake disappointment and annoyance on Carmen's face. I covered my mouth, horrified at the outburst, prompting Carmen to start laughing as well.

After we both took a second to stop laughing, Carmen grabbed my hand and we hurried away from the area close to the media pen. "Time to find the other girls." She said as we walked, "My best guess is that Charlotte and Isa will both be hanging around somewhere in the Ferrari garage. We can just ask Marta where they are, she's an American mechanic for Charles that I've kind of made friends with. And then my guess for Lily... the AlphaTauri garage. She could be in the RedBull garage, but I think Kate's here this weekend, so she'll probably be hanging out with her while Alex is helping Yuki." The girl thought aloud, then exclaimed, "Oh! We need to keep you away from Kate! She's a nice girl, but if she knows, that's one more person who knows."

I nodded, "So, Isa and Charlotte first, then I'll walk with you lot to Alpha before slowly walking back to McLaren. If Lily isn't there or Kate wants to go with you guys, just text me and I'll hang out in Lando's room for a while."

"Okay," Carmen said as we approached the Ferrari garage, "sounds like we have a plan!"

Carmen dragged me to the garage before getting the attention of a woman who looked like she was in her late 30s in the back of the garage.

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