30 | Sweetheart

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Once Lando and I had made our way through the security check, we walked to the terminal we were flying out from. When we arrived, it became quite apparent that Lando was definitely not the only person from McLaren on the flight. I saw at least a dozen people wearing some sort of clothing with papaya orange on it.

When we sat down, I debated pulling down my hood, but decided against it, feeling it was probably best I stuck to keeping as covered as I could. I had no idea if anyone would be that likely to take notice of Lando and become suspicious of the girl next to him in a black hoodie, sweatpants, baseball cap, and sunglasses, so I sat across from him in the chairs while we waited for our flight to start boarding, my head buried in my phone.

I listened to the conversations Lando had with the people from McLaren and smiled every time one of them mentioned that his hair looked nice today.

After a while, Lando looked up from the conversation he was having and to someone walking up to the group. I looked as well and saw Charlotte on the phone.

"Yeah, I know, but we need to put it out today.... Yes, but it really can't wait.... Oh my goodness! You're a lifesaver! I owe you one, Clark! Okay, sorry, but I have to go now, I'm at the terminal.... Okay, bye." Charlotte ended the call and looked at Lando who had stood up to greet her. He gave her a short hug, and then Charlotte took a quick glance around, "Where is she?"

Lando cocked his head at me while I raised my hand a bit.

"Oh! My! I can't believe I didn't see you." She walked over to me and I got out of my seat and took off my sunglasses. "It's so nice to meet you, hon."

"It's nice to finally meet you as well." I smiled and gave her a handshake.

"This may sound really weird, but I've had to shake a lot of people's hands before... I've got to say, you've got a good handshake." She said, a pleasant smile resting on her face.

"Thank you." I said, feeling embarrassed. I really don't take compliments well.

"Oh! Before I forget, I talked it over with a couple people, and we thought it was best that while you were with us this weekend—I assume you two are still planning on keeping it a secret, right?" I nodded at the woman, "I've got a team kit for you. You can still be in Lando's driver room as much as you want, but this way you can walk around with, or without him, and it shouldn't raise too much suspicion." She handed me a bag. "You're welcome to change into it now if you'd like."

"Oh my goodness, this is amazing Charlotte! Thank you!" I grinned at her, "I think I will. I'll be back in a few." I said before dashing off to the bathroom.

When I came back, I sat a seat away from Lando, next to Charlotte, and the two of us talked some more.

When we boarded our flight, I took my seat next to Lando, Charlotte had told me that she figured it would be safe enough for us to sit next to each other, especially if I was going to walk around with him at all this weekend.

While we were on the plane, Lando and I watched a movie, then we played chess (I beat him every time and it drove him mad), and then he fell asleep while I read a book before drifting off as well.

I woke up just in time for our decent back to the ground. Lando woke up when we hit the tarmac.

.   .   .

When we were on our way to the hotel, I saw that I had gotten a few texts from a group chat with the girlfriends of the drivers who knew about me.

Circuit Queens 👑 (for those who know about Cami)

Carmen: any of you gonna be at the track this weekend? 🤞

Charlotte: i'll be there!

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