Bed Warmer (1)

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buckle tf up because this ones another long boi 

if ur not comfortable with sexual and mature content, skip this chap cause this one has a lot lols.


It started simple enough.

BTS threw a massive party at their shared apartment upon their arrival back in Korea. As expected of world-renowned artists, the party was filled with crates and crates of expensive alcohol, blinding lights, and deafening music. Almost everyone who was anyone in the industry were invited in celebration of their return home.

Byulyi, being a member of one of the top groups in Korea and a close friend of Jin, was of course invited along with her members.

After sometime, her members started dispersing along with the crowds, looking for their respective friends and talking to them. Naturally, Byulyi did the same.

And then came Jin, stumbling forward from an ocean of dancing bodies towards her.

He was a good friend, spending many days eating, playing, drinking with him along with their friend group. Talking with him felt natural because of his personality and Byulyi always liked their group hangouts better whenever he was there.

They were great friends—that is, if you ignored the palpable tension that would rise every time they were alone together.

They would usually sweep it under the rug, always sitting somewhere far away from each other, careful not to even let their fingers touch so as not to get zapped with static.

But he was different that night. The way his hand would brush over her skin felt too intentional to be accidental, the way his eyes seemed to deliberately linger over certain parts of her body felt too long to be innocent.

Maybe his brazenness was because of the long time they didn't meet, or maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe he was lonely and needed release. Either way, once all the alcohol had been drained from her cup and all the small talk had been shouted over the loud music, he ducked down towards her and kissed her—or maybe she kissed him?

She didn't remember if she was the one who leaned in first or if he was the one that slid his hands on the back of her neck before crashing his lips to hers. It didn't matter to her; after all, she did kiss him back with the same fire his tongue burned her with.

The air sang with electricity whenever he was near and the alcohol only intensified that tightness on her stomach as she felt him blindly guide them to his room, bodies awkwardly clashing, arms tangled, hands busy opening the door while simultaneously caressing the skin under her shirt.

"Don't you think we should—?"

A gasp interrupted the words from flowing out her mouth when she felt him sink his teeth into her flesh.

"Don't talk," he rasped lowly, attacking the skin on her neck with such fervor she couldn't do anything but grasp the sheets underneath tightly in her hands with shattered breaths.

He was an attractive man,  attractive would even be an understatement to describe the beauty that is Kim Seok Jin.  Whether she would like to admit it or not, she had been attracted—she pondered over the word crush to describe what she felt but thought it to be too juvenile and improper—to her friend for a very long time now.

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