Bite Me (2)

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warning: byulyis down bad

also basic biology doesn't apply here so dont ask me how she loses 2 liters of blood a month and still lives or how a vampire can have an erection lol

also also this is real explicit and detailed so minors yall know the drill click away before super tuna ends


Byuli raised the two bottles of perfumes up to her eye level as she stood in front of the mirror, inspecting the translucent green and misty pink liquid inside clear glass bottles. She pursed her lips as she swirled the bottles' contents inside, mind deep in thought over her choices.

Would it be wrong of her to say that she looked forward to their weekly meetings?

Of course it didn't start that way. The first time Byulyi went to 'pay' her rent three months ago, she had been stiff as a board, mind overloaded with escape plans going from A all the way to Z. She sweated so profusely that even Jin jokingly gave her a massage as she stoically stood in front of a table.

But outside their transactions, Jin was every bit of amazing and funny and hot as he had been before Byulyi's discovery.

It didn't take long for Byulyi's crush to rise among her fears. Her current dating life didn't help her situation either—or lack thereof.

It had been so long since she was in anything remotely intimate with any other human being that even the innocent brushing of her hair across her shoulder was...highly effective on her.

The pink one smelled like a bouquet of flowers and fresh fruits and spring. It still smelled airy and light and totally not like she was putting in the effort to smell good for him why would she do that dont be crazy...

The green one was darker, richer, and leaned more on the muskier side. Anyone within 5 meters of Byulyi always complimented her on her smell whenever she wore this one. One thing she worried about was assaulting his nostrils with too much smell since he'll—you know—basically stick his nose to her neck.

Then again he doesn't breathe so maybe he wouldn't be able to smell?

But he talks. How in the world was it possible that he could talk without breaths?

And what was even the point of putting perfume on if he couldn't smell her in the first place?

Byulyi placed both perfumes on the small sink of her bathroom with a roll of her eyes. Evidently, she had been putting more effort than what was normal for their weekly meeting, especially since the reason they were meeting in the first place was so that she could pay her rent in blood.

Shaking the thoughts off her head, she exited the bathroom to walk towards the front door.

The door remained closed for about five seconds when Byulyi dashed inside to quickly spritz her pulse with the pink perfume. She nodded to her reflection in encouragement.

It's game time.

Byulyi fixed the spaghetti strap of her shirt under her thick wool cardigan as she stood in front of Jin's door. She made an internal note to make careful care that the shirt would not be in any way ruined as she rolled her shoulders back. Hyejin probably wouldn't appreciate having her shirt both be stolen—borrowed without permission—and be dirtied.

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