侘寂 (Wabi-Sabi)

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Byulyi could be handed the book containing all the words in the world and she would still not be able to correctly describe Jin with a single word. It seemed criminal almost, to confine all of him—his perfections, his flaws, all the things that make him uniquely him—to a single arbitrary word. Not when he transcended all of them.

Jin would argue, of course, that he wasn't all that good the way Byulyi thought of him. But she would argue back, how would he know when he couldn't see him the way she did?

He thought beauty was when his hair was slicked back and his pink plump lips were pouted and he could make anyone swoon with just a single smirk. When no matter the angle, the photo the camera took would still look good. When he wore these grand expensive clothes that fit his body well and showed the definition of his chest and the width of his shoulders.

But beauty, the way Byulyi saw it, was different.

It was his eyes, the lines beside them, and the way they light up when he laughs that stupid laugh.

It was his crooked fingers and how gently they touched her, how delicate.

It was patience, his kindness, his willingness to let others go before him.

It was how he was quick to anger but was just as quick to forgive and quick to melt in the aftermath.

It was the way her hands fit with the crevices of his, her cheek on the junction of his shoulder and his neck, her smile on his lips.

It was everything that he thought was wrong with him but just made fall harder than before.

He is imperfect. He is human and impermanent and flawed.

Which is precisely what makes him so beautiful.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he asked, disconnecting his eyes from his phone for a second to stare at Byulyi with one raised brow.

Grand dates were great for the aesthetic photos in Instagram or interesting talks on the dinner table during Chuseok—'Yes, auntie Narae, I am indeed dating the finest man in the world. Yes he did just take me to the Eiffel Tower last summer. No, he is not fictional.'—but slow afternoons like these allowed her to just simply...exist with him.

Byulyi smiled softly, her fingers gently tucking the long black strands of hair behind his ear. She shook her head gently before planting a soft kiss on his soft cheek.

The corner of his lips twitched as he rolled his eyes. He wrapped an arm around her waist to bring her closer, pushing her until her sides were flushed to his chest. Byulyi stared at the stars in his eyes until hers crossed themselves from their proximity.

"Weirdo," he muttered, before capturing her lips in a kiss.


jin deserves to be appreciated breathe if u agree 

this was supposed to be a bday drabble (i found the most beautiful japanese word ive ever read and immediately thought about this) but it thought of publishing it on instead on the 13th BUT im going to be mia starting next week because shcool so ('。• ᵕ •。') ♡

well be jinless for a long time so while hes in the military lets stream his amazing discography!

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