The Trials and Tribulations of Kim Seok Jin

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Edit (04/06/22): changed some details with the ending but the story overall is still the same


Valentine's day has come.

Which means Jimin, Jin's friend and roommate since freshman year, was going to spend the entire day with his long-time girlfriend, Seulgi, just as he had been doing for the past years.

Which means Byulyi, Seulgi's friend and roommate since freshman year, was going to sleep over Jin and Jimin's apartment just as she had been doing for the past years.

Not that Jin was complaining. Over the years, Byulyi had become a good friend of his that he can rely on, one that understands his love for bad jokes, and one that can instantly make him smile through one.

They were friends. She was his friend.

So of course he doesn't have a crush on her. No, no.

Jin frowned at his laptop, feeling his frustration build up as he clicked the 5th trailer he just watched on YouTube close. He was supposed to conjure a list of at least 5 movies that they were going to watch that night and he just needed one more to complete their list.

'Fuck it,' he thought, adding Pretty Woman to their watchlist even though he had already made her watch it several times before.

It had been a tradition of sorts for the two of them every Valentine's day to burrow themselves under Jin's blanket and watch several movies on his laptop until either one of them fell asleep. It was a retaliation, she said, to the occasion since neither one of them had a partner to spend the day with. So instead, they could just spend it with each other in a movie marathon.

Or as Byulyi would like to call it, a date—a friendship date, Jin noted, not to be confused with an actual date date. Because, you know, Byulyi was his friend—not that there was anything wrong with dating Byulyi.

Actually, if maybe she was interested in him and might want to date him then maybe he'd consider dating her because, you know, she's kind and funny and charismatic and her hair smells good.

Everything's brighter when she's there, everything goes silent in his mind and he could only hear her. She had the prettiest and most endearing laughter that her eyes sort of disappeared in exchange of her dimples while her shoulders scrunch themselves together as if keeping all the happiness inside her body for as long as she could.

And my God those legs

"Dude I've been knocking on your door for five minutes. What the fuck have you been doing?"

Moon Byul Yi, the goddess that she was, sat on the window sill, brows crossed in mild irritation. She had one hand braced on the open sliding window, one foot propped on the sill as she threw a large plastic bag, crinkling loudly as it landed on the floor, before propelling herself inside Jin and Jimin's shared apartment.

Jin coughed awkwardly, willing the heat in his cheeks to go away before they spread to his ears. He was most definitely not thinking about Byulyi's soft legs before she came through his window.

He turned his abashed expression into one of bewilderment, popping the earplugs from his ears then pointing a quizzing finger at the window beside him and back at Byulyi who was currently taking her sneakers off.

"Did you just climb through the window?"

She shrugged, breezing past Jin who sat on his desk to walk to the door, the plastic bag filled with different chips on one hand, her black sneakers on the other.

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