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(A/N: No this isn't the movie all compressed in one chapter, I can't write something like that- it's similar if that's what you're looking for.)


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If witches are bad because they incite harm and chaos from one person to another, if kings and queens are considered good because they instill harmony and peace- then where do knights stand? The Good or the Bad?

Among all the things that surrounded me and my childhood, it was the question that lingered in my head as I grew up inside the brick walls of my castle- our castle. Every night came a new story from my mother The Queen, varying from legends that told the adventures of those of the bravest to sweet love stories on how a prince bravely battled an evil sorcerer to save a princess.

All those stories kept me... enchanted. Kept me thinking about things a typical 5 years old would think at that time, but not questions a toddler would ask her royalty parents.

I still remember that time when I hopped on my father's lap that stormy Friday night, I was afraid of the sky flashing from black to violet to white so I decided to sleep at my parents bedroom- there was room for more than three there after all.

My small figure was snuggled between my parents, a thich red blanket draped above us three while my father turned on the gas light- giving an aura of magical storytime while my mother picked the old brown familiar storybook always with her.

"So, you ready for our story?" She asked with a wide smile, a nod coming out of me while my eyes sparkled in the dimly lit room.

"But before that..." I spoke in my then innocent voice, "I wanna ask something."

"Yeah, what is it?" My father sat up before wrapping his warm arm around me and my mother, holding us close that told me that tonight? We were the most important people in his life right now. "You could ask us anything, anything." He continued with his big king voice.

"Are knights good or bad people?" My eyes fluttuted while my lips pouted out, fingers fumbled in one ball as I heared my parents chuckle.

"Well that's interesting," The Regent cackled with my father. "What makes you question that?"

"You know, because witches are bad people because they bring harm but kings and queens are good people because they keep peace. If Knights kill enemies to bring justice, then where do they stand?" My voice echoed as the storm began to strenghten, seeing the flashes of lightning and the roars of the thunder- the strongest storm I ever remember.

"You know, not all people stand in good or bad." My father told me, "It's all in the intention, not what but why- why are you doing something? Is it with good or ill intent? It doesn't matter what you're doing because you'll be judged when they ask you why." His piece of mind struck me hard around that time- simple yet gripping, that's how I saw it.

"So, you're telling me that Im either or neither good or nor bad?" Back in the present day, Wonjin questioned the now adolescent Y/N. They were still in the castle, the once-child's room was now made to be that was fitting for who she was now. A princess.

Silk sheets, big pillows, walls of books and ornaments, table with cosmetics and gifts from various suitors- all childish toys were now gone and no where to be seen.

Y/N who had her attention out the arch window looked behind to see her boyfriend Wonjin, grinning at her as he walked towards her. He was a knight, protecting the kingdom from those who try to cause havoc- although there was none. Wonjin's arms wrapped around the younger, his lips softly pressed against the velvetlike surface of the latter's lips.

"I don't know" Y/N broke the kiss apart for a while, "Like I said, it's in the intentions- not the actions."

Wonjin just gave a smile in return, raising her thighs up carry her to bed. He soon felt the soft king sized bed as they continued to kiss, their tongues coming contact and teasing each other with a push and pull manner soon tangling in a string of saliva.

"Damn," Wonjin was panting when he pulled himself up and layed back down the soft bed surface. He looked at his beloved with a mirrored mischievous smile, a chuckle echoing in the thin castle walls. "Why are you good in things when it comes to physical contact?"

"I don't know," The sparkle in Y/N's eyes even growing more shimmer. "Maybe it's just my thing."

"How bout me? Can you tell me what Im good at?" Wonjin winked, raising his arm up to flex his muscles- maybe they weren't that big yet but his arms sure was starting to take form due to the relentless training he was enduring everyday. "Is it combat? Fencing? Being your bodyguard? Hm?"

With a mirrored smirk, Y/N scooted closer to face his handsome face even closer. "Im not sure, but Im sure that you're the best when it comes to loving me." Her whisper was like a careless flirt- seducing Wonjin's arms to pull her closer and stare at each other's lips.

"And I guess Im the best in seducing you," Y/N licked her lips in a manner that tainted her tongue in the light cherry red shade.

Wonjin's fingers soon found it's way on her lips, rubbing it in a manner that was rather arousing and enticing— yet still fluffish and sweet. It was that kind of love not seen in the old books, not so sad, not so happy either, it was a perfect balance from the honeyed kind and the fiery one.

"You really like my lips don't you?" Wonjin's finger went up and down along the pace of her lips talking. The latter smiled once again, "Of course they're my favorite."

Wonjin wanted to stay as much as Y/N didn't want him to leave, but they soon let go of each other as they observed the sun set at the open window that overlooked a perfect view of the clouds.

It was always parting that was the hardest— but it they got used to it, secretly dating, it got easier since they knew that saying goodbye won't be the last of them.

"Would you take care? Please?" Y/N held the man's hand once again before opening the big wooden door of her room. Wonjin gave a little smile, a kind that was bittersweet— as if he was trying to tell something else.

"Of course I will," Wonjin stepped forward and gave her a final kiss on the forehead before going away. His figure slowly disappeared into the archway hallway, the dim lights made it seem like he was walking into something that he didn't want to. "I always do."

Even if she was left with a pit in her stomach, she decided to look out the window to get a grasp of wind. Thinking about when they could finally come to the world and be who they really want to be, together.

Their love was like a constant duel against the world, their feelings in a constant war against the world that held their own standards and used them against people.

Maybe one day, they could finally get victory.


Okay but imagine Wonjin as
a knight that'll be the end of me—

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