Chapter 3

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Parker Metzer woke up to the sudden ring of his phone alarm. Without pausing to check if he had any messages, he immediately got up, took a shower, put on a pair of jeans and a striped shirt, and began preparing breakfast for the family as his stepfather, Brad Friesen, woke up his siblings..

"Hey, Sleepy Heads," he greeted his half-brother, Skye, and half-sister, Rayne, as they walked out of their respective bedrooms, both yawning and rubbing sleep off their eyes. They took their seats at the table and started groggily eating breakfast.

Brad also sat down, but did not touch the pancakes. He merely stared listlessly at his cup of coffee, and, after a few minutes of silence, remarked, "Parker, did you hear what time your mother arrived home last night? She was clearly drunk again."

Parker pretended not to have heard his stepfather, and, instead turned to his brother and sister, "So, first day of school today, huh?"

He was determined to make sure his siblings had a good first day. They did not need to feel distraught about their mother right now. "Skye, I can't see you try out for the team, Buddy. I have to head straight to work, after class. I'm sorry. But, I'm sure you'll do well."

His 14-year-old brother nodded, and mumbled, mouth still full, "Mt's o-mey. Mon't morry."

"How about you, Rayne? Have you decided whether to sign up for the Drama Club or for Cheerleading?" he asked his 12-year-old sister. He was a bit worried about Rayne. She was too pretty and popular for her own good, and, anytime soon, he would have to be vetting suitors, a task he was not looking forward to, as he did not relish being tried for murder.

Skye, suddenly alert, threw his hands up in the air and started cheering, "I'm Rayne! I'm Rayne! I can't find my Brain!"

Parker bit his lower lip to keep from laughing, especially when he saw Rayne about to throw her spoon at her brother across the table. Infusing as much authority into his voice as possible, he said, "Hey, cut it out! Both of you!"

"Parker, what is this?" Skye was pointing at his lunchbox.

Parker read, "Skyblue Friesen. Did I spell it wrong again?"

"Parker, Skye. My name is Skye! And, I'm in 8th Grade! I can recognize my own lunchbox even without a name on it!"

Parker looked across the table to Rayne, who was already frowning at him. "You, too, Little Miss Rainbow Friesen, do not approve of this?"

"I'm with Skye on this one!"

"You kids should be really proud of your names," Brad remarked as he sipped his coffee.

"But, it sucks!" Parker raised an eyebrow and Skye bit on his lip, smartly deciding not to push it.

Rayne was not done yet, though. "I love rainbows, but my name does stink, Dad!"

"Can't anyone get a full night's sleep in this house without all this yapping?" An angry voice bellowed from their parents' bedroom.

Upon hearing their mother, Skye and Rayne immediately stood up, grabbed the lunchboxes, put on their backpacks, and were out the front door in two minutes. They did not even bother to mumble a hurried goodbye to Parker and their dad.

"I'll see you later, buddies!" Parker yelled out to them as he enjoyed the last of his bacon slices, chewing slowly. The Middle School was only 10 minutes away on foot. The High School, in contrast, was a 30-minute drive away, and, so Parker was getting picked up by his friend later.

Lana Friesen hobbled out of the bedroom in stained pajamas. On those rare days when she bothered, her light brown hair cascaded in gorgeous waves past her shoulders, but, right now, it was a chaotic mass of clumps.

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