Chapter 11

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"I knew it! We've run out of seats!"

June and Kedz had just entered the jam-packed cafeteria. Because of the sudden Monday downpour, everyone had decided to have lunch inside rather than lounge on the courtyard grass. It was a sad sign that summer was well and truly over, casting a gloom over the entire school of hyperactive teenagers who suddenly had no choice but to be cooped up inside.

On top of the list of people feeling crabby was Kedz. She had texted June earlier to get to the cafeteria fast, so they could avoid the scramble for seats. But, June had taken a few minutes to copy the Math homework on the board. She hoped to make Parker proud of her progress. Their next session was tonight and she was not about to be caught empty-handed.

"We'll find somewhere, I promise." June tried to placate her friend, while pushing her toward the cafeteria line. Judging from its length, it would be a long while before they needed to worry about seats anyway.

"We really should have another cafeteria." Kedz was the Nitpicking Queen. "Maybe a separate one for the Seniors. Oh, I know! We should have one for the boys and another one for the girls."

June raised her eyebrows. "Did I really just hear feminist Kennedy Reynolds clamor for gender-segregated cafeterias?"

Kedz flipped her hair and scrunched up her nose. "Well, teenage boys stink." She gracefully tucked her blonde hair behind her ears, showing off hoop earrings which were wide enough to throttle a small hamster.

June suddenly and surprisingly found herself comparing her outfit to Kedz'. As usual, she had not spared any second thinking about what to wear, but merely donned the first pieces she could grab. Today, she had on a grey hoodie, washed-out blue jeans, and smudged previously-white sneakers. Kedz, however, was resplendent as always, in a pink turtleneck sweater, a black leather mini skirt, and a killer pair of knee-high boots.

How does she always look so perfect?

June shook herself out of her reverie. She had never been jealous of Kedz' sense of style. And she wasn't about to start now.

I'd need to shower every day to pull off that look, anyway. No, thanks.

"All I'm saying is that the school should and could definitely put up another cafeteria." Kedz was still talking as they inched achingly slowly in the line. "The only one we have just isn't enough for everyone anymore. That's something the new Senior Class President should push for."

"Rikan's school has both an indoor and outdoor cafeteria."

"Whose school?"

"Rikan. The hero of this new manga I'm reading."

Kedz rolled her eyes. She had never understood June's fascination with manga. "What good would an outdoor cafeteria do when it's raining?"

"Well, duh! It has a roof, of course. Rikan always sits at the cafeteria benches, watching Airi from afar."

Kedz gave her hair another flip. "For heaven's sake, June. Let's talk about real people."

June pressed her lips, merely amused at Kedz' foul mood. They had finally reached the tray section, and they both took one.

"Like, Hiro Cameron, for example." Kedz was smiling knowingly.

"What about him? What did you find out?"

Yesterday, June had told Kedz about the brawl at the cafe last Friday. Kedz had vowed to use her quite expansive gossip network to dig up the dirt on Hiro. June was admittedly curious.

"Okay, first, he's very rich." Kedz grabbed an apple and put it on her tray.

June was nodding impatiently. "Yes, yes, I've figured out that much. So, he's rich. Big deal. Go on."

"You don't know how rich. He's the second child of Richard Cameron and Haruka Kimura." Kedz paused for dramatic effect.

June's eyes widened as realization set in. "Of Kimura Holdings. Wow."

Kimura Holdings was a conglomerate of over 50 firms, focusing on technology, agriculture, industry, real estate development, retail, and services, ranging from healthcare to hospitality to education. It was primarily based in Japan, but its reach was global. KimuraTech produced smartphones. KimuraFast launched their electric car models last year. Kimura Pearl Resort offered a taste of paradise on Japan's tropical islands. There were Kimura Med, Kimura University, and Kimura Mall. Whatever field or industry, Kimura was sure to be somehow involved.

"Yes, Cameron Senior is CEO of North America's arm of the corporation."

"And, his son eats at Café Dahlia." June giggled.

Kedz smiled, "Perfect for your next slogan. Anyway, Hiro. He has a well-documented history of trouble-making. Classic 3rd generation rich kid syndrome. The incident last Friday was merely one in a long list of fights he had been involved in. Plus, he's a judo and taekwondo black-belter, so fights almost always end in his favor. He's best at grappling and striking."

"Rich and lethal. The perfect combination to turn anyone's head. No wonder he's a prick!" June smiled absent-mindedly at the cafeteria server who ladled a large spoonful of mac and cheese onto her tray.

"Yes. And, because they are rolling in dough, he always gets away with anything. His parents are always willing to shell out any amount to protect Hiro from the repercussions of his actions. Their lawyers move fast. The parents of those boys he pounded into a pulp at your café have, reportedly, already agreed to settle for an undisclosed amount."

June remembered the $10,000 offer. Hiro hadn't been pulling her leg. But, June wondered whether he actually got away with everything though. At the café, Hiro did mention being surprised that he hadn't been punished yet. Do billionaires also threaten to take away their kids' manga collection? While June had never considered herself to be a nosy person, it certainly would be nice to have a peek into the private lives of the world's wealthiest.

They had to stop gossiping to focus on getting their trays safely through the mob. When they miraculously found themselves in a small gap, they stopped for a moment to scan the room, holding tight to their trays as they were relentlessly pushed hither and thither by the moving crowd. June hoped they could find an empty table soon, before Kedz started sniping at her again.

"June! June!"

June looked around and found Parker two tables away. He was waving his hand to catch her attention and indicating two empty seats on his table, which he was sharing with Levin and some other kids June couldn't remember the names of.

June turned to Kedz.

Kedz had a cold look on her face, stubbornly refusing to even look at Parker's table.

June looked back at Parker, shook her head, and mouthed, "No."

Parker's eyes clouded in confusion and hurt. June, feeling guilty, turned her back on him, and started walking to the other side of the cafeteria, certain Kedz would take the hint and follow.

As she walked away, she clearly heard Levin say, "Why do you even bother?"

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