Chapter 10

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June blinked, then flung an arm across her face to shield her eyes from the bright and golden rays streaming through her window. When she finally got the willpower to lift her arm, she opened her eyes and glanced at the alarm clock on her bedside table. She was surprised to see that it was already 9:30am. She could tell from the noise downstairs that her grandmother was already halfway through her morning chores. Grandma Dahlia usually woke her up much earlier than this on Saturday mornings. But, after last night's incident at the cafe, maybe her grandmother had decided that she deserved to sleep in.

She tried to remember what she was dreaming about. It had felt very vivid just moments ago. But, except for the grimacing image of a Japanese teenage boy, the memory was getting hazier by the second.

She reached for her phone under the pillow and felt her heart skip a beat. There was a message from Parker.

Hey, I hope you're okay. I passed by Cafe Dahlia last night and saw the police car.

Tell me all about it at our first session later. I'll be there at 2.

June recalled how she had watched Parker and Levin drive by last night. She had felt a twinge of despair that he had not even bothered pulling over and asking about her welfare, when something had been clearly amiss. Then, she had mentally kicked herself. After all, why would he?

She was still lounging in bed when her phone rang.

"Hey, you remember my callback this afternoon? For The West Side Story?" Marcel's anxious face filled the screen.

"Yeah, right!" She smiled encouragingly at her friend. "Relax, Marcel. You're gonna slay it."

"I know." He declared haughtily. "But, I've got a problem. You see, I forgot to tell your grandfather about it, and I forgot to arrange cover for my shift this afternoon. Could you please?"

"I can't today, Marcel. I'm sorry."

Marcel groaned. "Why not?"

June decided to be honest. "Parker is coming over."

"Whaaaatt??" If the Academy Awards ever opened a category for shrieking, Marcel would be a shoo-in.

"Chill. He's just tutoring me."

"Woah, Girl!" Marcel was hyperventilating. "Why, when, how did this happen? Deets. Now."

So, June told him about how she had called Study Buddy and got assigned to Parker, which made her change her mind. And, how Parker had approached her the next day to offer his services, anyway.

"Well, as excuses go, that's a good one." Marcel admitted. Then, as if he had just realized something, "June, when was the last time you took a shower?"

June scowled. "None of your business."

"No, listen." Marcel pleaded, all serious now. "Clean up your room. Take a shower. Put on a dress. Preferably one that shows off your shoulders. You've got great shoulders!"

"It's a tutorial session, Marcel. Not the prologue to a porno."

"You are kidding, right? A boy you've been crushing on for years will be in your room in a matter of hours. In your room."

"Whatever." June rolled her eyes. "Why don't you focus on looking for someone else to cover for you?"

Marcel was still arguing as June hung up.

Just a few minutes later, her phone rang once more. This time it was her other best friend.

"Hey, wanna help me babysit my siblings?" Kedz dove right in.

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