Chapter 7

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"Wake up, Honey. It's 7 a.m."

Parker opened his eyes and thought he was dreaming. His mother's face was hovering over his, as she prodded him to get up. He could detect a whiff of alcohol and she was already looking quite flushed so early in the morning. But, she was smiling. And, to Parker, that was all that mattered.

"Go on, get in the shower. Then, come have breakfast. I've whipped up some ham and eggs."

Parker started the day with a light heart. As he brushed his teeth and put on his clothes, he could almost pretend he was 6 years old again, when his mother had not fully yielded to her downward spiral yet.

When Parker entered the dining table, the rest of his family were already seated. He took his place at the table, and couldn't help but feel a glimmer of happiness at how mundane they all looked. Just a normal family, about to have breakfast together, as they did every day.

Parker decided to ignore the sullen faces of his step-father and half-siblings. He understood why they were so distrustful, but Parker hoped, against his better judgement, that, this time, his mother was really back with them. For good.

"Skye, pass your brother some of the ham, please." He saw her smile at Skye and tousle Rayne's hair while she gave the bidding. The glow in her face made Parker's hope soar. He just wished Rayne did not stiffen at their mother's touch.

"So, how are you, kids? It seems like I haven't heard about anything happening in school at all."

"That's because you've been passed out all week." Brad said wryly.

Parker and Lana both pretended they didn't hear him. Parker waited for either of his siblings to answer their mother, but when the silence became too unbearable, he volunteered cheerfully, "Senior Class Elections are coming up!"

Lana rewarded her eldest with another smile, "Are you running for any position, then?"

"No, I'm just helping Levin prepare for her campaign. She's running for President."

Parker did not miss the disappointment in her mother's eyes. To be fair, she didn't actually make an effort to hide it. Parker pulled on his rubber band and gave himself a snap.

"But, how about you? Don't you think you are more qualified than her? You certainly have the grades, and I'm sure you can pull the votes. I definitely would be very proud of a son if he's Senior Class President."

This time, Parker knew that Lana's smile was a challenge. He tried to explain to himself that she merely wanted him to reach his full potential. As a mother, she surely did not want him missing out on opportunities due to a misguided sense of loyalty.

When Parker lowered his gaze in shame, Lana turned to Brad and noticed that his cup was empty.

"Let me get you more coffee."

Brad covered his cup with his palm and dismissively said, "No need."

But, Lana had already stood up to get more hot water.

"What's with the cheery mood?" Skye whispered to his older brother. "You do know she's only this nice when she's drunk, right?"

Parker pinched his brother's cheek. "You're too young to be cynical. Finish your eggs."

Rayne, from across the table, piped in, "He's right, Parker! For someone so smart, you could be so naïve. You know what's next, right? When she gets very drunk later, she'd be scary again. And, tomorrow, when she's hungover, or sober again, she's gonna shout at you again."

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