VII. Tigers Sprouting Wings (Part 2)

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Thin Man feels nostalgic yet vengeful towards the strange woman in front of him.

"Who are you?!" He says harshly, which makes the Lady not so happy.

"I'm the one who asks first! Why are you here?!"

Thin Man is both confused and furious by the unlogic statement she gave.

"What is that even mean? And why are you talking like you know me? I don't even know who you are."

"You kidnapped me from my friend." The Lady says, making the Man confused.

When he was under the Eye's influence, he took many children. But none of them are girls. Unless...


(3rd POV)

The Man teleports to the Lady instantly and takes off her mask, revealing the beautiful face with slightly dark crimson eyes.


The Lady glares at him as dark mist coming from her hand snaps the mask back and places it on her face again.

"It's so rude to suddenly take off a woman's mask." The Lady says with an arrogant tone as she pushes the Man away and seemingly ignores his surprising speech earlier.

He is also surprised but then filled with hatred with realization.

Six may be the one right before him. But...

"So, where's your raincoat? SIX?" The Man emphasizes the name so irritatingly that the Lady has to say out loud.

"CUT IT OUT! I have consigned that name to oblivion. And if you're a gentleman, please follow it...MONO!"


The League members just stare at the two with confusion.

"Are they Heroes?" Mr. Compress questions.

"They don't seem like ones." Says Toga, the literal blood-obsessed girl yet knows what she's doing.

"Should we engage them, Shigaraki?" Dabi, the one with sewings wound all over his face, arms, and legs, asks.

"Ahh..." Shigaraki, The leader, sighs exhaustedly -"Do whatever you guys want..."

He seems not to care anything else at all.


An explosion occurs from the unknown people so drastically that dust flies all over, making the leader annoyed.

Then, the dust fades, revealing the odd picture.

The space around each person is like their own reality.

The Lady hangs out a hand that forms a black-misted shield against the Man punch covered with static and glitching particles.

The Man looks at the Lady with hatred and vengeance.

"So you knew about my fate?!" Says with anger, the Man retreats his hand.

"To be honest, I was surprised when I found you may be alive. Yet, I no longer have the feeling of you." The Lady mocks the Man, who is very triggered.


Dark mist starts forming around the woman, swirling like a tornado high up to the sky. And while hovering above the ground, she stands intimidatingly.

"Don't be sad! Knowing that you're nothing to me!"


On the other side, static and particles rise from the Man, twisting everything to abomination. The Man clenches his hands while bending the space around him.

Story 1: Little Nightmares x My Hero Academia Crossover.Where stories live. Discover now