XVI. Joy Before Sadness

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Aizawa waits outside and checks his phone while looking deep in thought. Displaying on his phone is the new ranking of the heroes. The said ranking was quite controversial due to the recent reckless and carefree speech delivered by Hawk.

Suddenly, his ringtone goes off, and his phone displays as the number he is not familiar with.

"Hello?" Aizawa answers.

"Oh, hello Eraser Head." The childish and joking tone taken by the person on the other end of the line immediately alerts Aizawa as to the identity of the caller.

"Why are you calling me, Hawk?" Aizawa asks with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Ah come on, it doesn't look like you're particularly occupied."

Aizawa starts to hear the voice on the phone overlapping with another one behind him. He quickly turns to see Hawk in casual clothes waving at him with a welcoming smile.

"What are you doing in Kyushu?" Hawk asks with the same tone he had on the phone.

"I'm getting my students new suits," Aizawa answers vaguely. Hawk utters an "Oh" and approaches Aizawa, stopping at a comfortable distance.

"Anyways, do you have time to talk after you're done looking after them?"

"Why? Is there anything you need help with?" Aizawa questions the winged hero.

"Ah, it's nothing urgent. I just want to discuss something with you and Endeavor." Hawks answers vaguely while getting a restaurant card from his pocket. "Here, if you've got the time, join us at this address this afternoon."

Aizawa takes the card and glances at it.

"Alright, that's all I wanted to say. Hopefully I'll see you this afternoon, Eraser Head." Says Hawks while waving and walking away, disappearing into the crowd.

Aizawa then takes a proper look at the card that Hawks gave him, pauses for a moment, then turns back to go check on Six and Mono.


Moments later, Aizawa leaves the store alongside Six and Mono, both of his students now in more stylish clothing.

Mono wears a light Brown hoodie with a black T-shirt underneath it, making him look trendy. He also has ripped jeans on, making him look even more fashionable. To finish the look off, Mono sports his trusty Brown paper bag hat, which gives him a sense of security.

His friend, Six, also has some quite fashionable clothes on. She has a black and white striped shirt underneath her yellow raincoat which, somehow, looks very good together. She also wears short pants with grey-white stockings, revealing a small portion of her thighs. Finally, she has a small ducky hair clip on her dark brown hair. Six's outfit makes her look both fashionable and mysteriously cute. It's almost as if she actually knows how to dress suitably.

Mono turns to look at Six, and his heart skips a beat. Under his mask, Mono starts to blush slightly at her cute appearance.

"Let's go," Aizawa says as he starts walking. Mono and Six follow him immediately like ducklings following their mom.


Walking down the escalator, Aizawa remains silent while mono and six chat behind him.

"So, you had Uraraka cut your hair?" Mono says.

"Yes," six replies as she removes her hood and pushes her bangs away from the front of her face, fully revealing her light crimson eyes. Mono's bag stays still as he looks deep into his friend's eyes.

"Hey, six?" Mono says, trying to get his yellow raincoat friend's attention.

"Yes?" She answers with slight curiosity.

Story 1: Little Nightmares x My Hero Academia Crossover.Where stories live. Discover now