X: Calm before the storm (Part 1)

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Mono is back to the infirmary, sitting on the bed in his hospital gowns. He needs to check his health since all those years spending on sitting on that chair didn't do much for him but despair and loss of weight. Thus, he has to go here to recover daily.

Mono looks outside the window. It's already at twilight, and the sky is dyed in red-orange. He would never be able to witness the sun before getting here. It was just perpetual twilight behind the thick cloud. Now? He has come to such a strange place that he doesn't even know if he's in the same world or not. It was just two days ago. That he was still stuck in the cursing Tower that sealed his fate for eternity. He questions whether all these are just dreams of what he hoped to be in or the nightmares he always had.

Thinking about that, he rethinks. What was the last time he dreamt? I can't remember.

"I remember all the nightmares..." Mono holds his hands on his face. Skinny and lifeless.




"...Wish I could remember how to dream."


The boy observes as the night starts falling, and the light from the busy city starts turning up, glowing in the sky but not any brighter than the sunlight. He then thinks about the lessons he has first learned. Ever. He didn't feel comfortable surrounded by too many people. In fact, he never likes school. It was the experience of when he got after and before the Tower took domain of a city that once was a thriving one, making him not keen on school.

"Hello?" A familiar voice interrupts his thought. Mono turns to the curtain to see none other than Six slightly appears behind, waiting for his permission. "Hi. You can come in." He greets her with a slight smile, patting on the bedsheet next to him as an invitation.

Six then proceed to sit as she goes in. She also wears a gown under the raincoat she always likes. Maybe it is her way of comfort? Just like him with his paper bag?

Then, they look at the twilight as both want to avoid eye contact, remembering how emotional they said to each other yesterday. "So...How do you feel about the class, Six?" Mono starts the talk, with eyes keeping on the view. "I don't really know. Though I'm glad that the people we met weren't those trying to kill us on sight, I also felt somehow awkward meeting normal ones." Six says uncertainly. Her voice mixes between gladness and gauche.

Mono can relate to her with the topic. But he thinks they shouldn't continue as it may remind her of bad memories. "So, What do we do now?" Mono asks with slight desperation of an unclear future. The adults of this world sure welcome them, but he knows something is behind that but not sure what it is. Six glares slightly to Mono and returns to the scenery. "I can't tell. In the old world, survival is my only goal. Now that we're in safety now, I don't know what to do." She then looks back at Mono, smiling mildly under her hood. "You changed, Mono." She says.

"Why would you say that?" Mono says in confusion calmly. "That. You have became more calm and less childish than before." She says with slight sorrow. 

"Don't worry..." Mono replies meekly. Knowing that Six still has some regret over her action to him in the past, he pats Six in the hood gently. "...I know you didn't mean to. However, I did have lots of time thinking about myself so I wouldn't regret about that." Six shows shyness and a slightly red face, which Mono finds very pretty and cute. He smiles slightly. His pure gray eyes shows acceptance that he wouldn't get anything if he continues this topic. "But at least, we're friends, right?" 

Six looks surprised and then glad listening that. Her cheeks redden slightly. Her crimson eyes turns slightly brighter, looking more happy. "Of course! We're friends." She then smiles back at him. A smile he hasn't ever seen before. It looks relaxed, which Mono is glad it is. "And stop this! It makes me feel weird." Six then takes Mono's hand off her head in oddly more reddish face. He doesn't know why but seeing that makes him giggle slightly before turning to enjoy the city view again.


"Hello!?" A sudden greet makes Six and Mono surprised. Quickly looking at where it is, they see Principal Nezu waving at the curtain.

This chapter and some following ones will let Six and Mono get used to the class before the next big event.

Also, this chapter is a bit short because of some issue.
But I hope you enjoy. ^^ If you have any reviews, write it...


And if you are interested in my Crossover, Follow my profile for more. :33

Thanks for reading.
- TLK9999

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