Chapter 11: Witch In Hiding

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Chapter Eleven

It was supposed to be a normal day just like any other. Shower, make breakfast, get the kids ready, drop the kids off with a sitter- today was supposed to be Kieran, go to work for eight hours, pick the kids up, go home, bath time, have dinner with Marcel tonight, and everyone goes to bed.

My kids and I have a routine. Seems my sister and the supernatural world are trying to disrupt that. Because today I woke up to my alarm on my phone, which I then realized I had 2 missed calls from Davina, a text from Davina, a missed call and a voicemail from Cami. My sister left me a message: "Hey, I know it's the middle of the night, but I've decided to leave New Orleans. Figured it was best for me. Mentally and physically. I would be safe out of town. So I'm leaving immediately. Call me when you get this, I should be gone sometime tomorrow."

That disrupted my day. So here I am, heading up the stairs my sister's apartment after dropping off the kids with Kieran and calling out of work. Davina didn't leave a voicemail either times she called but her text last night said, I guess you're sleeping, but I wanted to see you. Marcel's been lying to me and have no one else to talk to. When you see this, please call me.

I figured I'd call her after I had a moment with Cami to see what the hell had gotten in to her. I was winded again as I knocked on her door. The door pulled open to reveal my sister, dressed and clean and organized, the complete opposite of not only, yesterday, but of me. Unlike her my hair was wet, slowly air drying as we speak and barely brushed through. I was in an oversized t-shirt, which I was now insecurely tying in the front to pull myself together after rushing out the door. I grabbed the wrong purse, a random jacket, and yet ended up with my feet freezing in sandals in the windy weather cause I couldn't find any matching casual shoes in all my boxes. Then I had on ripped mom jeans, that were slightly loose on my wide hips so I had on a belt that I was afraid also didn't match my outfit.

"You showed up at my door. No call. No text. What a surprise," Cami grumbled, ushering me inside. "And you look... distraught. Is your hair wet? What did you run here after a shower?"

"You called me at one in the morning! With an insane idea to leave town," I told her, pulling out the baggie of vervain Marcel gave me. "You have a kettle. I need to brew a special tea."

"What is that?"

"This is what is going to keep vampires from brain washing you or using mind control over either of us."

"Klaus," she gasped. "That makes sense."

"Does it? I don't know how clear your mind is when he puts ideas in it," I said.

"I remember he's a vampire. I don't recall seeing him, but, I was standing alone in my living room confused before I just started packing. That's when I called you."

"Moving is absurd. You just got her, besides I just got here and  you've lived here practically your whole life," I told her. Besides going away for her bachelor's and master's. She moved back home when Sean passed and Kieran took his sabbatical.

"Klaus compelled me," she said, as if still wrapping her head around it. "But why? Why would he send me away after like  a month of seeing me?"

"So you remember you're his therapist?" I asked, working my way around her kitchen looking for her kettle in all her disorganized cabinets.

"Yes. But I don't even know what we talk about. I just think he's narcissistic and damaged from daddy issues."

"Hmmm," I hummed. "This is all ridiculous. I want to strangle him for doing this to you. Doesn't make any sense. Ugh. I should've asked Uncle K about it. Wonder if he knows about vampires. Marcel didn't mention him, then again we're currently in 1880s to 1920s."

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