Chapter 5 - Trip To Hell

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So here it is.
The insane asylum.
I was prepped mentally. Physically, I didn't have anything on me. This whole mission is about sneaking. Not being Tom Cruise and beating everyone I see.

There was a window open on the ground floor. It was my safest bet. I jumped in there and entered what seemed like a destroyed cafeteria.

The whole place was a mess. The tiles were dirty and broken, the furniture was dented and covered in scratches with a splash of blood. The vending machines were broken with spoiled food.

In front of me I see a guy. His back was hunched, his eyes barely open, his chin drooped all the way down and he looked so skinny. He was staring right at me. One step in, and I failed?

He turned around, and starting pacing around in circles stopping in between intervals. I guess he didn't see me. I walked and hid besides the door. He had a pattern. When he stopped he said one thing.

I had no clue what he meant, but I didn't care. All I need to do his to get out alive.

He stopped in a spot as usual, and I made a run for it. I've realised that he's not going to notice me unless I'm really close to him. The place was already dark with only the moon as it's light. He could barely see anything in his condition.

I stopped in a corner and saw another guy doing the same thing. The second he turned around I made a run for the stairs. There was another guy in the right turn. I managed to run behind him as well and got in a room.

There was a guy. Wait. He clearly looked different than the addicts. Oh! It's him! I hid behind a broken wheelchair. It was a room with row beds. It was an okay room compared to the rest of the building.

There was the evil photographer. He was standing in front of the window, right beside a table which had the duffel bag murmuring to himself. "He he he, who would've a known it'll be so easy? Just start one rumour, and they'd flock straight at ya."

He turned and saw (admired) his duffel bag. "Stupid gullible. Once I sell these photos I'm gonna be so rich." What a sick man! He wasn't paying attention to his bag. His attention was stuck on the next girl who'll walk in this hell.

"C'mon, when is the next one gonna show up..." his back was regularly facing the table. He's not paying attention, I should go for it! I started running but he turned. Damn it.

To my luck there was a divider. I quickly hid myself there. He paused. "What was that?" Damn it! Did he see me? After a few seconds he sighed. "It's taking longer than usual." He didn't see me....

He was facing back again. This was my chance. I'm going in. I crouched-ran to the bag and tossed a lighter in. RUN! I dashed outside. "Huh? What's this?" He gasped. "Who's there?!"

I dodged the addict in front of the gate and ran down. I had no time to wait for addicts to turn back. He knows someone is here with him. One of them yelled. "Who are you?" But I ran.

He grabbed my arm. "Are you the devil?" His strength was pretty strong. "I won't let you hurt me!" I heard footsteps running down the stairs. The photographer.

I kicked his torso and pushed him against the wall. But he retaliated and ran towards me. Before anyone could hit me, I jumped out the window.

The work is done.


Thanks for reading!

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