Chapter 49 - Hope It's A Dream

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"Thank you, Ryoba."

Senpai's words kept on ringing in my ears since the moment he uttered them.


Just remembering it makes my heart feel warm all over again!

I walk to the school with my head in the clouds from yesterday's high. It made me so happy that the most important thing completely slipped off my mind.

Today was the day when Sonoko was going to be kidnapped.

Imagining Sonoko's face made my happiness disappear. She really makes me lose all emotions. Suddenly, I'm back to The emotions were gone. And now, I don't know how to get them back.

I look at Senpai slowly changing his shoes while talking to his friends. His eyes meet mine, and I frantically look away. When I glance back, he's still staring at me. Then, he waved his hand at me. In return, I sheepishly waved my hand back. He smiled, and walked away.

This is real? Or a dream? WHAT?! I couldn't believe my eyes! Senpai actually knows me, and waved at me!

I felt my cheeks flush, my breath rising, my heart beating fast, my pulse pounding! This is what I want. This incredible wave of emotions is euphoric. My hands began shaking and my bag falls down.

"Um, your bag is on the ground." I didn't even realise it till someone pointed it out. "Oh!" I let out and sit to rearrange my stuff. I look up to see....

"You should be more careful." said Sonoko in her usual snarky tone.

I stand up. There's no one in the corridor except her and I. She crossed her arms. "Tell me, what'd you put in my food?" I blink my eyes. "What?" "Don't play coy with me!" She raised her finger. "I know you did something."

"Senpai, but why would I-" "Why wouldn't you?" She snapped. "After all, I was with your Senpai, right?" I sigh. "And what proof do you have?" lowering the octaves of my tone and sounding more like myself.

She smirked. "Well that was quick. It must be tough keeping a facade all the time. I threw up the second I went home. I just know you must've done something." I crossed my arms as well. Almost unconsciously mirroring her.

"That's no proof, Senpai." "I'll be spending more time with your Senpai. He's wondering who's been giving him such generous gifts on his desks like bentos, chocolates, love notes... and how they all stopped this week."

"Maybe because he has a dog sniffing around him all the time now." Sonoko actually let out a genuine laugh laced with sarcasm. "For someone so bold, you really are a coward when it comes to confessing your feelings."

She stepped a bit close. "Tell me, was it worth it?" I crossed my brows. "Killing all those girls for him? Was it worth ruining so many lives for him? The girls' lives, their families and friends, all for him?" She whispered.

Was she trying to get a reaction out of me?

"You look so innocent. If everything what you're being blamed for is true..." she looked down. "Then..." she pondered. "It'll just be...sad. I know I'm meant to resent you but, there's a part of me that wants you to be innocent."


"I wish everything was a lie. That all these girls didn't die. That you are not the culprit." I tiled my head in confusion. What trick is she playing now? "You seem puzzled. Of course you do. It's the last thing you expected me to say right?"

The school bell rung. "I've been observing you. Clearly you like him. You constantly follow him. You do weird things at weird times, like mopping when it's not cleaning hour. Every other girl like you vanished, except for you. Who knows? Maybe you're the next victim."

She walked away, and turned back one time. "But I'm hoping you're just a lovesick girl, not who I believe you are." With that, she left. Her tone was genuine, but she can never be trusted.

How do I know she's tricking me into believing her? Or confiding or feeling guilt?

Well, it's too late to think about it now.

After a few hours, she'll be gone.


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