Chapter 52 - And Scene!

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The men frantically turned out their torches and began looking around. A little extreme for a skit. Sonoko was terrified and was breathless every passing second.

I instructed her to lay low and follow my lead. She was too scared to even squeak a word. I held her wrist and made her crawl-walk with me behind bushes and trees.

We were circling around the warehouse. I wanted to make our way to the backside so that we can run away through the alleys. However, Sonoko constantly stopped crawling in fear of getting caught.

If I acted too fearless it'll be too suspicious and frankly, out of place. So I too behaved as scared as I can be. After crawling more we finally reach a tree on the backside.

In front of our eyes laid an empty street. If this wasn't a skit, they would've pulled out their guns and would have patrolled the alleys before we even left the warehouse.

I looked around, no sign. I crawled a bit away from her. She grabbed my arm and shook her head. "I'll be fine." I whispered. I crawled to the left and I saw one Yakuza. He saw me and sat down.

"What's your plan, kid?" "I'm going to run to the alley with her. Just pretend you didn't see us?" I whisper. He simply nodded. "Okay, make the run. I'll make it as real as I can." What did he mean by that?

The Yakuza found this very amusing, and they did not hide it. The more I follow this script, the more I realise how unrealistic and hilarious this must be for a group of actual murderers. Still, they managed to be as professional as they could be.

I once again grab her wrist and whisper-yell "Run!" She takes a deep breath and we both make a run for it. Our footstomps were loud and echoing throughout the area because of the rough contrete.

"There they are!" One of them yelled. As we both turn back I see all of them pointing their torches at us. One even went ahead and began chasing us. Seeing that make Sonoko run even faster.

One of them shot a bullet making both of us flinch and duck in reflex. They're going too over the top! "Here!" She yelled and dragged me behind a dumpster. The man chasing us ran straight ahead.

I catch my breath rapidly. What on earth was the Yakuza thinking?! I didn't even pay them that much to be this dedicated. Sonoko turned pale white. She clutched her chest and was breathing harder than me.

"Oh....oh my God!" She said. "That was crazy!" After a few minutes of us breathing, we settled down. I can still feel my lungs burning. "You saved my life." She said. "Thank you. You risked your life for me!"

I, still embarrassingly breathless say, "I had to. I couldn't just be a bystander for a kidnapping!" I exclaimed. After a while, she peeked her head out and looked around. "Hmm, I don't see anyone. We better leave."

The two of us were now walking in the town. Running would catch attention from the Yakuza, as said by Sonoko. "I don't get it. If you're innocent, why were you so mean to me?"

"Its not your fault. I was angry at your mentor. He caused so much trouble and defamation. I guess I took it out on you." She gasped a little. "It...does make sense should've called the police."

"I know." I said. "So was it just a coincidence? You being around Jokichi? All girls being involved with him removed, and you somehow always being there?"

"It's not a complete coincidence. Yes, I like him. I helped Kaguya by entering an asylum and I slid a note to Sumiere.  But as per the other missing and dead girls, I never talked to them."

Why did I confess this you ask?

That's because I calculated every single move I've done. I admitted all things that have concrete proof. Sonoko heard me and was speechless. That's because she knew she had zero proof of me being involved with murders.

"You too are tangled in this case somehow. But you are not the culprit. I understand. I knew you liked him. But maybe," she stopped walking and stared at me deeply.

"I somehow knew in the back of my head - you are innocent. I was rude to get a reaction out of you. Instead of being defensive, you were irritated. As if you were tired of proving your innocence."

She's....on my side?

"Apart from one note you gave Sumerie before her death, he doesn't have any evidence against you. This is the only time where I don't side with him. I think you're wrongly accused. I too couldn't find anything wrong about you. Everyone seems to adore you!"

We began walking again till we reach a bus stop. "Be careful, Ryoba. I know you live nearby. I'll leave for now." The bus arrived. Before boarding, she turned and said,

"I'm sorry, Ryoba."


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