Chapter 48 - Call Me By My Name

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I was wiping the table after the previous customer left. There was plenty of time left for my shift to end. It's been a day since Itsumi has been kept by the Yakuza. And so far, no updates.

I go back to the register and stand beside my manager. He tells me to take the order of the customer who entered. I stand in front of them and flip open my notepad. "Good evening! What would you like to have?" I plaster on a smile, until I look up, and I find a reason to stop smiling.

Sonoko stood there, clutching her purse's handle. "Hello, Ryoba." She said. With my manager staring at me, I force my smile again. "Senpai, hello there." I answered. Sonoko looked around and said, "So, this is where you work? With all the work you do I'm surprised you get time to do this?"

"Work? What work?" I ask innocently. She squinted her eyes, questioning me. "You know," she paused. "Anyways, I'd like one cappuccino, one latte and one pineapple pastry, please." I scribbled down her order.

"That's a lot for one person." I said. "But that's fine. Our coffee is great after all." I smile at her. She looks at me emotionless. She's acting pretty normal for someone who wants to put me behind bars.

I went to her table and placed the tray in front of her. "There you go, Senpai." She looked up at me. "Thank you." She stirred her coffee, not taking a sip for some time. After doing other work, I rotated back to her table. "What's wrong? Have a lot on your mind?" I ask.

Sonoko smirked, "Actually, I'm waiting for someone." "Really? Who?" The door swung open, letting the harsh cold wind escape inside for a second. I felt a quiver from the air. I hear the bell ring from the door closing and I see....

"Yokichi! Over here." Sonoko waved her hand. Like an idiot I just stood there staring at Senpai with my jaw on the floor. "Hey," he let out. He was walking towards my direction. To me! My face heated up with every step he took.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" He asked me. I clenched the tray in my hand tight and I felt my lungs crushing in nervousness. "I...uh...I.." I stuttered. "Hmm, must be in school." He said and sat opposite to Sonoko.

"Oh, you already ordered for us. How considerate." They're on a date together?! WHAT?! I stood there and stared at them dumbfounded. This was the closest I've been to Senpai, but this is not how I ever dreamed. Seeing him on a date with someone else.

"Uh, is there something else you both want?" My manager sneaked behind me. "Sorry, she's a little shy." How long was I standing there and staring at Senpai? "Didn't seem that shy to me." Said Sonoko. My manager let out a nervous chuckle.

"Can I get a water?" Senpai asked. "Ryoba," he nudged me. "Please give them water." I look at him and nod. "Sure." And I dash away from there. "Is she okay?" I overheard Senpai as I walked out. How embarrassing!

I go to the kitchen and fetch two glasses. As I find the glasses, my eye goes on something interesting. I see naphthalene balls on the side. I grab one and when no one was looking, I crushed it and mixed half of it in Sonoko's water. That ought to teach her.

I walk back to them and keep their glasses on the table. "The question is tough, but I'll explain," Senpai waved his hands with a pen. "Oh, thank you, Ryoba."

And in that moment, I felt my world stop. He knew my name. He called my name! He said 'Ryoba' from those sweet lips of his! I've never been so euphoric! Ecstatic! I felt my heart flutter and beat the fastest it ever has.

"You're welcome." I sheepishly let out and turn around. I didn't want to let Senpai see me like this. I walk back to the register and help out my manager while constantly keeping an eye on them. After a while, I saw Sonoko grab her waist and crouch down in pain. How lovely!

Although I can barely hear the conversation, Sonoko asks Senpai to do the rest of the worksheet later on. Good riddance. That's what you get for trying to get close to my Senpai.

"Ryoba! You have a call from your brother?" Said the other waiter with me, cupping the telephone's end. Brother? "Hold on." I hold the telephone to my ear.

"Good news Aishi, the family gave the cheddar. Consider your deal done." "Wait, how you do know I work here?" I whisper-ask.

"Hahaha! We're the mafias. How can we not know where you work?" Then he cut the call.

Good news for me, then. Because now I get to get rid of Sonoko for life.


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