Chapter 24 - Caught You!

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I kept the sheet in her bag when she was having lunch with....Senpai...unfortunately. She will regret it for sure.

Her class took the test and spent the next period as well. I began to feel my efforts went to waste. It was going to be cleaning time. I began thinking the high probability that maybe teachers really don't notice everything around them.

If that's the case, maybe I should start stealing to get great grades. Her class wrapped up their classes. All of them shoved her books in their bags and walked to the cupboards to take out their cleaning materials.

I began sweeping the corridor. Still no luck, I guess. A teacher walked in their class at a fast pace. "Can everyone keep their stuff aside?" People shared glances of confusion. "Again, please keep everyone aside and put your bags in front."

Everyone was confused and started to get nervous but did what they were told. "Someone in this class stole an answer sheet from me. It is one of you in this very room. Confess now or suffer the consequences."

The teacher was angry but pushed herself to stay composed. She jumbled in everyone's bags hurriedly and found gum, notebooks, but no sheets. She made her way to Teiko. She looked anxious. Her past two days weren't so good. Today won't be nice either.

The teacher shuffled in her bag and pulled out a sheet perfectly placed. She took it out and showed it to the entire class. "Teiko, you?!" She exclaimed. The class gasped and were clearly shocked.

"'s's not me I swear!" Teiko said. "Wait, is that why she's the topper?" A guy said. "She's been stealing answers?" A girl said. A conversation sparked in class. Teiko repeated herself but people had made a conclusion.

"Quiet!" Yelled the teacher. "Teiko, I left you go because it felt like it wasn't you. But now, I'm starting to think you're not as innocent as you seem."

Teiko tried talking but the teacher hushed her. She was yet again dragged to the councillor. This time everyone witnessed her being a thief.

"I cannot believe this!" Yelled the councillor. She slapped her hands against her table, jolting Teiko with fear. "After all the defending I did for you this is what you do?!"

"Ma'am, I swear it wasn't me-" "Then who?!" She snapped. Teiko's mouth was left open. She couldn't talk her way out of it. The teacher took a deep breath in and said, "I never expected this from you. You're our best student! I never thought you would behave like this."

For the first time, I could actually hear emotions from her mouth. She's very sturdy generally. She sat down and rubbed her temples. "Please leave. And don't you dare make any other mistake. I won't be lenient."

"Ma'am, I promise. But you should know, I would never do something like this." The councillor tuned her out and it was her cue to just quietly leave.

"Teiko," said the councillor as she held the door. She turned around, "I'm just leaving you with a warning because you're a diligent student. Otherwise I would've suspended you."

Seems like I need to think deeper. Such cheap moves aren't enough to damage her reputation, let alone expel her.

I have to take some extreme steps. I think I know what to do.


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