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hey guys!! thank you so so so much for all the support so far!! I really hope you're enjoying this story as much as I've enjoyed creating it :) I've got a lot prepared for you... anyway ! hope you've had a good week so far!

Here's a little chapter to maybe make your day better!!


"You said it was just going to be the girls. Who are those other guys?"

"Oh, good morning to you too. How was your flight?"

"You didn't answer the question."

"Because it's a stupid question, Adam. Why are you so pressed about this?"

"It's a simple question."

"No, it's dumb and I don't have to explain who I hang out with to you, but since you can't seem to fucking let it go, they're just friends we ran into. You obviously know who they are if you've seen the Instagram posts."

"Whatever. I have to go shower."


Kaia had one cure and one cure only for practically anything. Whether it was being overly stressed from work, or simply trying to nurse a horrible hangover, the only thing that could ever truly make her feel better was a dose of endorphins. And the only way she could properly get some was through a 10-kilometre run early in the morning.

By two a.m. the previous night, her head was on her pillow and she was fast asleep next to Mica who had been too lazy to spend an extra five minutes fixing the sofa bed in the living room. Her New York Loft apartment wasn't exactly huge but she liked it that way. When Mica was back in Paris working, and Layla was off doing her own thing, the apartment didn't have enough space to feel so empty. Most of the time while she was in the city for work, she was alone. Her parents lived in a townhouse about twenty minutes away so she always tried her best to spend time with them. But really it was a double-edged sword. She couldn't stand to spend too long with her family as much as she loved them so she valued her privacy, but she hated spending too much time on her own. She was an ambivert, both a homebody and a social person and the only way she could get the best out of living by herself was by getting a small and cosy apartment far enough from her parents that she felt like they weren't constantly watching her, but still close enough that she could stop by every day if she wanted to, and it never felt too big and empty with only a cat for a roommate.

She woke up at around ten which was pretty late for her. She slipped into a pair of black running shorts, a comfortable t-shirt from her days at a summer camp back in high school, and some bright yellow neon sneakers that she didn't put on until she was by the front door. Her outfit didn't exactly match but it was all she could manage to find in her dark room with Mica still asleep in her bed, snoring his ass off. He would have killed her if she would have opened the blinds to let the slightest hints of sunlight in.

She snapped a quick picture of him for future blackmailing, grabbed her running fanny-pack and stuffed it with cash, her keys, and earphones. Finally, she grabbed her baseball cap and walked out of the room, leaving the door open to make sure Katara jumped on Mica to wake him up later on. She wasn't evil... she just loved to make his life miserable as his designated best friend.

She passed by the kitchen to pour herself a quick glass of juice and fill up a bottle of water, and right before stepping outside, she made sure to give her cat some breakfast as well. She was on her way out the door by ten-thirty.

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