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uhm... well...
the following chapter is rated H for all u horny ppl out there


do enjoy it!


. Taylor Swift spotted leaving Kaia Browne's family home in New York!


Emma Partridge: ✈️ ticket for Heathrow booked for next Saturday, 01:30 a.m. from JFK. Fitting for the new costumes Monday at 9! Jane sent me a preview and they're going to look amazing!!! A lot of blue

Kaia glared at her screen for a good ten minutes after having received that message from her publicist right after stepping out of the shower.

She knew she had to get back to work in two weeks. She didn't want to get back to work in two weeks. Sure, she loved her job, and the cast and crew were always so nice.

But she didn't want to leave her mother just yet.

With a shaky breath, she finally called Emma while sitting on the corner of her bed in only her bathrobe, her wet hair dripping down her back.

Emma responded a few rings later despite the time zone difference.

"What's your complaint now?" Emma started, without even trying to greet her in any way.

Kaia appreciated it most days but she wasn't in the mood currently.

"I'm not sure leaving New York in the next month or so would be a good idea," she said dryly, hoping she wouldn't have to explain it too much.

"Right, and I'm not sure having a job and a stable income is such a good idea either," Emma shot back sarcastically, the sound of keyboard clicks coming from the background even though it was well past 1 a.m. back in London for her.

"Emma, I'm serious," Kaia said with a heavy sigh, dropping her head in her free hand. "Can we try and talk to the team about some compromise for me to start next month or something?"

"I don't think so, Kaia," Emma told her. "You signed a contract and the new season is set to air at the earliest next year. I'm not sure they'll be open to any changes."

Kaia knew that would be the answer even before she had asked. She understood the demands of her job. She still had to try, though.

"What's going on?" Emma asked when Kaia didn't say anything for a minute, the air tense with her silence. "Please tell me it's not a new girlfriend."

Well, that was a complicated story that even Kaia couldn't explain just yet.

"No," she breathed out, her voice shaky. Her leg was bouncing anxiously and she couldn't stop herself from chewing on her nails.

"Kaia," Emma spoke carefully, concern laced in her voice now, the clicking of keys stopping abruptly.

Kaia wasn't even sure why the whimper escaped her throat but she couldn't swallow it back in time. She inhaled deeply, her breathing shallow.

"What happened?" Emma asked in alarm.

Kaia closed her eyes, feeling her eyes prickle with tears she refused to shed. "I— Emma, I don't think I have enough time with—"

She cut herself off short; she wouldn't allow herself to say it out loud. It would make it too real.

"She won't come to London with you?" Emma asked, her voice much softer now that she understood what the young actress was going through.

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