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surprise!!!! the day was not over.... woops


"So, what do you want to do next?" Kaia asked, playing with the strings of her hoodie.

"I thought you were my tour guide today!" Taylor responded, walking sideways so she could face Kaia.

"There's a million things we could do!" She replied only to catch her breath and grab Taylor by the arm, pulling her right into her side. "Fais attention, putain!" [Pay attention, damn it!]

Taylor's right hand still smacked right into a lamppost and she looked up in surprise, having been completely blind to the large metal pole before hitting it. "Fuck, that hurts!" She wheezed, shaking her hand in the air.

"You're unbelievable," Kaia shook her head, grabbing Taylor's hand to examine it. The blonde winced a little but thankfully, nothing looked broken or sprained. "Are you okay?"

"You're too distracting," Taylor shot back and while Kaia rolled her eyes, she felt every organ in her body heat up.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere," she muttered, letting go of the blonde's hand. They were still very much in public and they didn't need any unwanted attention.

"Will it get you to take me to a show tonight?" Taylor asked.

Kaia slowed down her pace, eyebrows raised in surprise. "You want to watch a show? Like on the West End?"

Taylor nodded, smiling a little shyly. "I'm secretly a theatre geek. Musicals, in particular. We've talked about this, haven't we?"

Kaia shrugged, having absolutely no recollection of such conversation but it still brought her immense joy to know this about the singer. "We can definitely watch a musical tonight. I'm not sure what's playing though. We'd have to check."

Taylor opened her arms wide and bowed down. "Lead the way!"

As they stood there in front of the salesman at the ticketing booth about twenty minutes later, Taylor was focused completely on the show schedule while the man behind the glass window stared dumbfounded at her. Kaia almost wanted to laugh.

"Have you seen Wicked?" Kaia asked quietly, leaning over the blonde's shoulder to read the schedule as well.

"Only about a million times," Taylor chuckled.

"What about Les Misérables?"


"Mamma Mia?"


"The Lion King...?"

"Yes. Have you?"

"Yeah," Kaia chuckled, dropping her forehead against Taylor's back. "But I'd watch them all again if you wanted to."

"All of them are sold out until next week," the bearded guy behind the counter announced, chewing rather obnoxiously on a piece of gum.

Kaia looked at him with an unimpressed gaze. "What is available for tonight?"

He cleared his throat, typing on his computer quite slowly. It drove Kaia insane.

"In the Heights, Into the Woods, Jesus Christ Superstar... The Book of Mormon, erm, The Last Five Years—"

"Oh! Have you seen The Last Five Years?" Kaia interrupted him, turning Taylor around to look at her. She was practically bouncing excitedly on the balls of her feet.

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