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posting today because i want you guys to forgive me for the last chapter😭


When they walked into the house, Kaia found Mica pacing nervously in the hallway. He looked as frightened as a man who had just seen a ghost when he saw Kaia.

"T'étais où, putain?" He exclaimed rather loudly before engulfing Kaia in a hug. [Where the hell were you?]

"Chez elle," Kaia replied awkwardly, patting Mica's back reassuringly. [At her place].

"This early?"

"I went over last night," she explained. "Sorry... I should've told you I was going out."

"Don't worry about it," he sighed heavily, finally letting her go. "I figured you might have gone for a run or something. Hey, T. How are you?"

Taylor offered Mica a smile. "I'm all right. How are you holding up?"

Mica shrugged in response and smoothed his palm over his hair and down his stubble.


Kaia raised her eyebrows at Mica who stood there awkwardly while she kicked off her shoes. "What?"

"Uh, il y'a quelqu'un qui t'attends dedans." [There's someone waiting for you inside].

"Qui...?" Kaia asked with her brows furrowed. She wasn't expecting anyone. Well, besides the long list of people who were arriving later for the funeral. [Who...?]

"Uhhhhhh.... ta copine?" he said, not knowing exactly what to refer to Andy as. [Your girlfriend?]

Kaia was genuinely surprised... mainly because she hadn't spoken to her in a few days.

"Elle fait quoi là?" She asked just when the woman in question appeared in the doorway. [What is she doing here?]

"Hey... Andy," Kaia didn't bother hiding her surprise.

"Hey, you!" She walked over toward the brunette and hugged her close. Kaia lifted her arms limply, still trying to comprehend what was going on. "I'm so sorry for your loss. How are you doing?"

Kaia turned around toward Taylor who was staring at literally everything else. She looked at Mica next, eyebrows raised so high it frightened him. He was waving his hands around, trying to tell her that he was just as confused.

"I'm okay... thanks for coming..." Kaia replied though she didn't sound entirely sure of herself. She let out a cough to clear her throat and pulled away from the embrace, offering Andy a little smile.

"Of course, I wanted to be here for you," she replied, placing her hand softly on Kaia's arm.

"How did you find out...?" she asked, lifting her arm to scratch the back of her neck and causing Andy's hand to fall back down.

"Oh, I didn't. I didn't like the way we ended that last phone call the other day, so, I thought I'd surprise you and then I got here, you weren't answering so I called Mica and..." she opened her hands and shrugged.

"Right, yes," Kaia forced a tight smile and started walking backwards toward the staircase. "I need to shower and get ready... Mica, come with me for a second, please?"

Mica was more than happy to run away from all the awkwardness and practically jumped up three steps at a time.

"Oh my god, what the fuck?" He exclaimed once they were out of earshot in the bathroom. Kaia closed the door behind him and sat down on the closed toilet lid. "I had no idea she would just show up!"

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