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• Sept. 29th, 2016, Taylor Swift grabs coffee with Kaia Browne in New York City. Here's a picture of Swift laughing! Wonder what the joke was!


Kaia had already been awake for over two hours. She had already gone for an entire morning workout routine at her favourite gym in town. Then, she had gone back to her own apartment, showered, gotten dressed comfortably for a day with no plans ahead, and walked over to Taylor's apartment.

She stood outside, waiting for one of the security members on duty to buzz her in, and took the elevator up to the third floor. The code for the doors outside had to be changed very frequently, otherwise, Kaia would have had the password memorised. But unfortunately, it wasn't up to Taylor, because if it were, she would've chosen something as stupid as "1313" or "1213," her fricken birthday.

Kaia was glad that it wasn't up to her to choose the password. Hacking her phone the other day after two simple tries was a disaster. It was fun for Kaia, actually. She got to delete that horrible picture Taylor snapped of her while she hadn't been paying attention. But Taylor swore to use a password Kaia would never guess. She hadn't cracked it yet, but she was pretty sure it was something along the lines of "kaiaandtaylor4ever."

That, or "oliviaandmeredithsmom". Those were her final two answers.

"She's still asleep," Greg informed her when she stepped into the foyer. He was sitting in front of a laptop, typing at the speed of lightning.

"What? It's eleven," Kaia replied with a pout, taking her shoes off at the door.

"I don't know, she probably slept really late."

Kaia narrowed her eyes playfully. Okay, maybe they did end up sleeping late after fooling around for a while, but... still!

They hadn't explicitly told Greg that they were now officially dating. But Kaia sensed that he already knew. He seemed to like Kaia well enough so it didn't matter to her.

He typed for another few seconds before closing his laptop and getting up. "I'll leave you two to it," he told her and if Kaia hadn't known him any better, she would have sworn he was smirking.

With a little sigh, she crouched down to Olivia's level and picked her up while making her way to the kitchen. The cat was purring in her arms and it broke her heart to have to set her down so she could make some breakfast, but it had to be done.

Kaia started by making herself some tea and brewing a pot of coffee for Taylor, whenever she did end up waking up. She made sure her girlfriend's cats had food and water in their bowls before moving on to making some breakfast.

When she opened the fridge, she sighed heavily, dropping her face into her hands. Taylor really needed to go grocery shopping.

She did manage to find all the ingredients to make some French toast though, so she went around the kitchen preparing the meal. And even when she was done, Taylor was still sleeping. So, Kaia put the plates on a tray with their drinks and made her way upstairs. And even when she kicked the door open, not too gently, Taylor barely even stirred.

With a heavy sigh, she set the tray down on the nightstand and sat down at the edge of the bed. Taylor was curled up on her side, her hands tucked under her head and Kaia smiled widely, leaning down to kiss her forehead, though she did have to brush back a lot of her hair to avoid getting her bangs in her mouth. She kept playing with Taylor's hair and eventually, she turned to lie on her back, but she remained asleep.

Kaia chuckled softly to herself, leaning down to kiss Taylor's cheek.

"Coucou, Lapinou," Kaia murmured, pecking her cheek again. [Hello, bunny (French term of endearment)]

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