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Taylor Swift Spotted on a Night Out in New York With Gal Pals!

— Best friends Taylor Swift and Kaia Browne look really cosy in Lily Aldridge's Instagram story last night — Here's all the gossip about the secret Kings of Leon Show at Le Poisson Rouge Lounge in the West Village!


Kaia walked up to the headstone with a fresh bouquet of yellow roses, her mother's favourite colour, and a garland made out of gardenias she had specifically picked out from the tree in her parents' backyard and spent the morning tying together with a string. The last of the season. She had kept a whole other bunch in her kitchen to turn into a second garland, one she had another recipient in mind for.

It had started to drizzle lightly overhead, so she pulled the hood of her light windbreaker over her head. It wasn't too cold outside yet, the fall just starting to settle in. She liked it quite a bit.

Kaia finally spotted the familiar grave with her mother's name carved into the stone, right below a large tree. There was another bouquet in the vase on the right that looked like it was just a few days old, and Kaia had no doubt they were left there by her dad who liked to visit as often as he could. It happened at least once a week.

She replaced the flowers left in the second vase that had started to wilt with the fresh ones she had just bought and then sat down cross-legged in the patch of grass facing the stone.

"Hi, mum," she started, her voice a little rough. She hadn't slept much last night, but that was fine. She had woken up just about an hour ago to her phone ringing after having only gotten about four hours of sleep. She couldn't go back to bed anyway when she had noticed that it was already well past nine in the morning. She wasn't used to waking up late. Or sleeping late for that matter, but she couldn't get enough of Taylor last night. The thought alone made her smile.

"Dad gave me a whole bunch of these gardenias from your tree the other day, the last ones to bloom this season."

Kaia fiddled with the garland she had made, fingering one of the petals that she had accidentally pinched and almost ripped apart during the process of stringing the flower in.

"I haven't made one of these in a while... probably since the last batch we got to make last year," she continued, clearing her throat when she felt a little lump form in her throat. She wasn't exactly sad though. She remembered every single summer she sat out in the sun with her mother and her sister for hours on end, learning how to tie together the flowers to make a beautiful garland or even a crown.

"It's not great. Not like yours were. I never did end up learning the trick. You always said it was patience. Sois patiente, Lapinou. That's what you always used to say, wasn't it? You know I never could be so patient." [Be patient, Lapinou.]

Kaia chuckled, hooking the garland over the side of the headstone. She kissed her hand and rested it right over her mother's name before sitting back down, hands in the pockets of her jacket.

"I have a few more left at home. I was thinking of making one for Taylor. I think she'd like that. I just hope she's still asleep by the time I'm back." Kaia smiled shyly down at the grass even though there wasn't really anyone there looking back at her. Well, she did hope maybe her mum was looking from up above. It was a comforting thought.

"You remember how I told you last week that we kind of started dating?"

The young brunette chewed on her bottom lip, trying to bite back the wide smile that threatened to split her face in two at the mere thought of her girlfriend, but she couldn't stop it.

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