The "Holy" Lance...

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Amelia Lance- that's me. Unfortunately, you probably haven't heard of me. You've probably heard of my sisters, Laurel and Sara Lance. My story is very different. When the Gambit went down, I was 27. I had made a life for myself. I was on a boosters yacht when it sank. I ended up with Ivo and my sister. I ended up in the League of Assassins with Sara. I died just like her, resurrected just like her, but she gets the credit for everything. Probably why she's captain of the waverider and I'm under her just like always. Only thing I did differently than her was sleep with Constantine. Oh, wait, she did that too. But, I ended up falling for the warlock I knew would never love me back.

"Hey, Amy, Z, if you had to sleep with one, who would it be?" Sara asked us on comms.

"Oh, Ringo, easy." I answered almost immediately.

"How can you even tell them apart?" Zari tried to yell into her comms over the crowd.

"Well, Paul's the cute one, George's the quiet one, there's Ringo-" Mick cut Ray off.

"Never met an Englishman I haven't wanted to punch in the face."

"Relax, Mick," Nate chimed in. "If it wasn't for the British invasion, there would be no Rolling Stones, no Led Zep," He paused. "No Black Sabbath."

"Black Sabbath." Mick repeated.

"Yup." Nate confirmed.

"Well then, we- we need to protect these mopheads from whatever's screwing up history."

"That's right, Mick."

"So, Gideon sent us on a wild goose chase?" I asked the group. "This event in history is playing out exactly as it should." We all watched the girls run after the group, leaving us behind. There was a bright flash of yellow and someone on a horse appeared.

"The British are coming! The British are coming!" He yelled.

"Fun fact, the real Paul Revere didn't-" Ray cut himself off. "Oh my god it's Paul Revere!" We all gathered in front of the man.

"Who are you people?" He asked us. "Where am I? Why are all those women screaming?" Mick punched the man, knocking him out.

"And now for the midnight ride of Ray Revere." Ray picked the hat up, but it was intercepted by Nate.

"Nope. Sorry, buddy, Nate Revere to the rescue." Mck put the real Paul Revere's body on the back of his horse which Nate hopped on.

"Now go and ring the alarm back in 1775." Sara pressed the button on the time courier.

"I got a country to save, suckas! The British are coming!" Nate rode through the portal and Revere's body fell off of the back of the horse with the portal closing behind him.


Sara and I walked into the parlour where everyone looked depressed. Seriously, Nate was lying on the floor spinning a hat.

"Geez, who died?" I asked them sarcastically as I moved next to Rory to get a beer.

"Oh, come on." Sara complained. "We just met the Beatles and saved the Fourth of July."

"No, it's cool. It's all just becoming," Nate sighed dramatically. "I don't know. Old hat." He threw the hat on a table.

"Yeah, we did spend all last year returning displaced people to their proper places in history." Ray defended Nate.

"Four years doing the same old crap." Mick complained.

"Yeah, I'm beginning to think Wally had the right idea- taking time off, clearing his head, traveling the world." Zari listed.

"Speaking of the same old crap, isn't that what he did last year?" I pointed out.

"Look," Nate sat up. "All I know is Constantine promised us new, mysterious monsters, so where are they all hiding?"

"I'm confused." Sara said. "We are all happy that there was only one dragon, right? We don't want to be fighting werewolves in the Alamo."

"Eh." I sided with the rest of the team.

"Well, it would be good for our ratings." Ray added.

"What ratings?" Zari asked him.

"Oh, you don't know. The time bureau ranks all its employees. But don't worry. We do have a few dedicated fans."

"Gary doesn't count." I told him.

"Who gives a damn about time pig ratings?" Mick snapped. "I want dragons."

"What is wrong with you guys?" Sara asked us. "Don't you get it? Constantine was wrong."

"Don't want him to hear you saying that." I mumbled, pressing the beer bottle to my lips.

"Our crazy plan to let Mallus out worked. Finally we're not screw ups forced to clean up our own mess. For once in our lives, we are actual heroes."

"Captain, I'm receiving a communiqué from Director Sharpe." We all chorused in 'Oohs'.

"Put her on, Gideon."

"Captain Lance," Sara nodded. "I would like you and your team to report to the time bureau. Immediately. Over and out."

"Dammit." Sara turned to face us. "Who told Ava about the dragon?" Zari and I pointed to Nate and Ray who pointed at us.

The Forgotten Canary-John ConstantineWhere stories live. Discover now