The Virgin Gary...

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Woodstock, 1969

"Give peace a chance!" A hippie, clearly high on something, handed Ray, Zari, and me a flier. After explaining to Zari what a hippie was, the three of us took off in the jumpship. "Together we can stop the war in Vietnam." She caressed Ray's cheek before running off.

"Yeah, this place is groovy." Ray smiled.

"So, tell us, why would Nora time stone to the least evil place in history?" I asked Ray. It was a genuine question. Nora Darhk was evil, so why would she come here?

"Well, who knows? Maybe she's turning over a new, non-evil leaf, inspired by yours truly."

"Right." Zari answered sarcastically, Ray not noticing the sarcasm. "What is that?" Zari asked Ray who had pulled out a compass.

"Oh, it's my old trusty Eagle Scout compass. I thought we could locate the epicenter of the temporal disturbance the old fashioned way."

"Sounds like a blast, Ray." I told him sarcastically.

"Yeah!" He said, not sensing the sarcasm again.


"197, 198,199, 200." Ray's tactic led us to the middle of the forest with no sign of Nora.

"Sorry, Ray." I apologized. "Looks like Nora's in the wind."

"What is that?" A sticky substance on the forest floor got Ray's attention while the source of it got mine and Zari's.

"Uh, what is that?" Zari emphasized, staring at the body with a hole in its chest.

"It's beautiful." Ray ignored Zari, holding up a little bit of the goo on a stick. "It's like some sort of magical pixie goo."

"No, not that. That!" I pointed at the body, which Ray had just seen, taking him aback.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Why? Who would wanna kill hippies at Woodstock? Literally ripping people's hearts out!"

"Now, that's the Nora I remember." I muttered.

"Let's split up and cover ground." Zari recommended. "Come on, Amy." She dragged me with her as we started our search for Nora.


"Not Noras. Hi! Not Nora, not Nora, definitely not Nora." Ray said over comms.

"Ray, we really don't need to hear your inner dialogue." I told him.

"Sorry, I'm just- I'm- I'm- I'm nervous, and upset. I mean, how could she be so heartless? Pun not intended."

"Well, her father did give her over to a demon loving cult, so." Zari reminded him.

"Nora Darhk is here?" Sara popped up on comms.

"Sara, what are you doing at Woodstock?" Ray asked.

"Probably the same thing you are, looking for whatever is messing with history. Huh, I think I just saw Joan Baez talking to Carlos Santana. Woodstock-" Nate cut Sara off.

"Turns into a massacre."

"Nate! You're here too!" Ray said, very excited at the development.

"Yeah, buddy." We were all walking around and eventually found each other, Ray giving me and Zari high fives.

"Okay, what is going on?" Sara asked us.

"Woodstock is no longer remembered as three days of peace and love, but instead the end of the hippie movement. Reports from survivors are sketchy at best. But what they all could agree upon was there was a series of grisly murders that lead to a deadly stampede when 400,000 kids tried to escape the festival at once."

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