Off To Woodstock...

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"You sure that you can't tell us what all this is about?" Sara asked Gary again.

"Oh, I'd love to, but the boss lady would kill me."

"Amy." Sara said and that was enough for me to grab Gary's arm and slam him against the wall, my arm pressing against his neck.

"Talk." I demanded.

"I can't. Director Sharpe said-" Sara cut Gary off.

"Whatever Ava threatened is nothing compared to what I'm about to do to you."

"You told her about the dragon head, didn't you, Gary?" Ray asked the dweeby time bureau agent.

"What? No."

"Did Constantine get you to squeal?" Nate asked, my back tensing at John's name.

"I wish." Gary responded longingly.

"We looked: there are no more monsters." Zari said matter of factly.

"This isn't what you think." Gary slinked out of my grip and walked ahead of us, all of us following right behind him.

"Then what the hell is it?" Sara asked, but once the lights flickered on, all of us were shocked by the 'surprise' that was shouted out by other time bureau agents.

"On behalf of the time bureau, I would like to recognize Captain Lance and her crew for fixing the final anachronism." Time bureau agents came up to us and pinned medals on our chests. "Congratulations."

"What does that even mean?" Sara asked her girlfriend.

"Well, it means that Paul Revere was the final crack in the timeline. You, my friends, fixed history."

"The same history that we broke." I muttered.

"Just take the win." Sara said through gritted teeth.

"I don't want your stinkin' medal." Mick muttered.

"There's an open bar."
"Where?" She nodded her head and everyone except me and Sara roamed off.

"Sorry, Sara, I know you don't like surprises, but..." Ava's voice wandered off.

"I like this one. Now, I was thinking you could give me a tour of the headquarters, Director Sharpe."

"Uh, hi." I tapped Sara's shoulder. "Your awesome single sister is standing right here." She rolled her eyes. "You guys are so in love it's borderline disgusting."

"Hey, you used to have that thing with Constantine, right?" Ava brought up.

"Yeah, but he doesn't see me like that anymore." There was an awkward moment of silence. "Anyways, you two go have fun. I'll make sure Gary doesn't kill anyone."

"Thanks." Sara took her lover's hand and the two ran out into the wind. Poetic, right?


After leaving Sara and Ava, I walked over to Zari and Ray, the latter who was staring at a Nora Darhk wanted poster.

"Gee, I really wonder how she managed to escape from the time bureau." Zari said sarcastically. Both of us knew deep down that Ray let her out.

"Yeah..." Ray agreed. "I mean- I mean- if I had to... if I had to guess, I'd probably say that someone gave Nora her dead father's time stone. And furthermore, that someone must have done it in hopes that she would turn over a new leaf in life."

"Sounds like that someone forgot about Nora's serious lack of ethics- around murder, for one..." I reminded him.

"But that someone must have had a really big heart to give her a second chance." Z said and I nodded in agreement.

"You're a good guy, Ray Palmer."


"Going somewhere, Raymond?" Zari and I approached Ray who was dressed like a hippie.

"And don't give us any of that routine maintenance on the jumpship crap." Zari added before Ray could respond.

"Yeah, no I wouldn't do that." He agreed. "I- I had Gideon monitor the time bureau. Someone over there pulled up unusual activity in Woodstock, 1969."

"You think it's Nora, and if the time bureau finds her first, she's going to tell them that you're the one who helped her escape." I concluded. "Ray, we're not going to let you get on that jumpship."


"Not without us." I finished.

"Oh, good." He sighed in relief. "I was not looking forward to dealing with those hippies on my own."

"What's a hippie?" Z asked me.

"I'll explain later." I promised her.

The Forgotten Canary-John ConstantineWhere stories live. Discover now