A New World

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A boy was being beaten up in an alleyway behind the school he attended, taking in all the pain as he knew no one would help him, afterall, if his own teachers wouldn't, then who would? That is what he thought until the slightly older boys punching and kicking him stopped and ran away.

The boy couldn't believe it, he was saved! Someone had finally helped him! Perhaps this would be the end of the constant torture, so the boy lifted his eyes to soak in the appearance of his saviour, only to stare in shock and slight terror as he saw a bright red glow in front of him, staring at him as it molded together to form the outline of an adult. He sat there in fear as he wished that he had the strength to run away like the other boys, but he couldn't. So he sat there, gulping, as he awaited his fate.

Out from the red glow, stepped a human? The boy thought it looked like one but then again looks could be deceiving and per the current situation, he didnt think any human could do that, so he gasped out as the woman that stepped out stared at him with red eyes that slowly disappeared to reveal green orbs.

The woman looked at the boy for a few more seconds, before turning away and walking out the alleyway onto the streets of Gotham City.


Wanda slowly stepped out of the alley to find herself standing on a simple street, the only thing making it interesting being the long line of school buses driving down the road, with one she noticed coming from inside a building.

Although instinctively Wanda would have followed the bus as she knew buses didnt come out of buildings, she promised herself before she travelled worlds that she wouldn't meddle in her new home's problems as it was her powers and mindset of wanting to help people that caused her to lose everything.

So as she walked down the street with no regrets, she plotted her next course of action, find out where she is, set up her documents and find a job so she can live a very simple life for the first time.

Walking down the road, Wanda thought about where she was even going, so she tried to ask passerbys where she was.
"Excuse me"
After multiple attempts and being ignored, Wanda almost gave up until a woman walking by heard her previous prompt of conversation and welcomed it.

After multiple attempts and being ignored, Wanda almost gave up until a woman walking by heard her previous prompt of conversation and welcomed it

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