Here Comes The Bat

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All Wanda could do was sit there as her blood drowned her body. You couldn't tell she was a witch, but you could definitely see the Scarlet part as her blood dyed her clothes. Up until 5 minutes before midnight, the Joker had continuously cut her up. Some areas were easier to slice than others, but he managed. If she wasn't able to use her powers, Wanda would for sure end up scarred all over, but she knew she would escape and therefore be able to heal them. But, that escape would have to wait as due to how drugged up she was, she couldn't lift a finger. The Joker had increased the dosage, which made Wanda slip in and out of consciousness within the 25 minutes, waking up only when she felt the sting of the blade grazing her skin.

However, before she fell asleep again, Wanda heard his radio cackle, which caused the Joker to suddenly freeze. He stood there in silence as he slowly lifted the radio up to his ear to try and hear what was on the other side. But deep down, both of them knew what was going on and the shouts and gun fire confirmed their intuition. The Joker burst out laughing as the man he had been hunting the past few weeks was on his doorstep. Wanda simply let out a breath of relief as she trusted Batman to get her out of this place.


She knew she shouldn't have shut her eyes, but what else could do? It wasn't like she could defend herself when some unknown drug was being pumped through her body. She just hoped it had no lasting effects, although unlikely.

Wanda had woken up again when she felt an aggressive tug at her arm. She had lifted her heavy eyelids very slightly, and saw herself being dragged across the ground and into a lift. The Joker was moving her to the roof of the complex they were on. Maybe to slow down the inevitable conflict or perhaps the killer clown had more surprises. On their way up to the roof, the Joker repeatedly slapped Wanda's cheek with such force that it left a bright red print, blood bubbling under the surface trying to break through the barrier of skin and breathe the fresh air. The sudden pressure removed any drowsiness Wanda had as the pain woke her up even more, something the Joker would soon come to regret.


When the pair reached the roof, the Joker shoved Wanda towards the ledge, holding her down beside it whilst he made sure his knives were on him and that the gun he had stowed away in his jacket was loaded. Wanda could guess what the criminal in front of her was planning. Wait for Batman to arrive and then threaten to throw her off the roof if the hero made any moves. It was something a desperate man would do. Something someone who was scared would do. Even though the Joker didn't show it, Wanda could smell the underlying fear on the man. She didn't think he was scared of Batman per say, but perhaps of his reign ending before it truly began. The Joker wants to see the world burn, and Batman endangers that desire.

The Joker kept glancing at his silver pocket watch, something Wanda didn't think the man would have, but regardless it did somewhat suit him. She couldn't see what time it said it was, but she noticed a slight bounce in the Joker's demeanour. He was shifting from leg to leg, with a slight smirk on his face. It was almost midnight and Batman was nowhere to be seen yet. Maybe the thugs on the floors bellow were able to subdue him. But as Wanda thought of that, the doors to the roof burst open, as they were blown off their hinges due to an explosion rigged to them. The Joker jumped a bit at the noise, as he was hoping he wouldn't have to do anything, but alas. His sudden jerk though, had wobbled Wanda and she found herself inching ever closer over the ledge.

Batman slowly approached the pair. Wanda couldn't tell if he cared for her injuries as his face made no change of expression after his eyes briefly brushed over her, but she felt herself shiver under his gaze, which she found strange but didn't question. Oh how she wished she would've been saved then and there, but no, the Joker just had to be right next to her and bring the knife up to her throat.

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