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It's already 5:00 am. Sunghoon just woke up. The first thing he saw is Jake on the screen, sleeping cutely.

Sunghoon smiled as he sat up and held his phone on his hand. It's still so early, Jake will probably wake up later.

Sunghoon stood up and turned off the air conditioner. He went inside the bathroom to brush his teeth. He placed the phone on one corner then did what he needs to do.

Sunghoon went out of his bedroom and entered the kitchen. He opened the lights and walked towards the refrigerator to get some cold water. He was so careful not to make any noise because Jake might wake up.

After drinking water, he went back inside his bedroom to get his books and notebook. Then he went back inside the kitchen.

He placed his stuffs on the table, including his phone. He placed three books together and placed his phone upwards.

Sunghoon made some coffee and after that, he started taking some notes. He was a bit distracted 'cause he can clearly see Jake's face.

Sunghoon slapped himself lightly and tried so hard to focus reading. He became so focus that he didn't noticed the time passing by.




Jake woke up around 7:00 am. The first thing he looked at is his phone. They are still on call.

Jake felt like his day is complete already after seeing Sunghoon reading and taking some notes. He looked so focus that he didn't noticed Jake woke up already.

Jake yawned and sat up on his bed while holding his bed. Sunghoon heard the noises so he looked up.

Sunghoon instantly smiled after seeing Jake.

"Good morning, Jakey~" Sunghoon greeted while still writing. Jake hummed as he greeted back.

"Good morning, Hoon. What are you doing?"

"Just reviewing. I know our topics since my brother told me about this already"

"Oh, okay" Jake said. He stood up and headed towards the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Jake didn't noticed Sunghoon is watching him. After Jake finished brushing his teeth, Sunghoon looked away and pretended that he's busy.

Jake walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs. He saw his mom on the kitchen so he immediately greeted her.

"Morning, mom"

"Good morning, sweetie. Why are you holding your phone early in the morning? That's new" Mrs. Shim stated when she saw Jake holding his phone. Sunghoon heard it so he took a quick glance but didn't bothered to talk since he's kinda shy.

"Sunghoon and I are in a call" Jake casually said.

"This early?"

"Actually.. we started last night and didn't end the call until now" Jake said. Mrs. Shim nodded and left Jake in the kitchen.

"Hey, Hoon" Jake called.


"Did you eat breakfast already?"

"Not yet"

"Eat first"



"Yes, Jakey. I'll go get my breakfast now" Sunghoon said. Jake saw him stood up on the screen.

Jake also prepared his breakfast. He made two toasts then cereal. He took the milk out of the refrigerator and sat on the high chair.

Both of them started to eat. Sunghoon completely forgot about the reviewers and just talked with Jake until they finished eating.

Jake went back upstairs while Sunghoon went back inside his room.

"Are we going to end the call now?" Jake asked and watched Sunghoon move around.

Suddenly, Sunghoon took his shirt off, revealing his upper body on the screen. Jake suddenly forgot how to blink, he's just staring at Sunghoon not until he spoke.

"No, we're not. I'll leave my phone here and take a bath"

"O-okay *ehem*, then. I'll do the same"


Both of them are heading to the school now and still didn't end the call. They were both laughing because of what they're doing. They started the call at 9:00 pm, and here they are, still on call at 8:00 am.

When Jake arrived at the school, he saw Sunghoon standing on the school gate.

"I'm here" Jake said. Sunghoon hummed and looked around until he saw Jake. Sunghoon gestured Jake to come closer and when Jake came, Sunghoon gave him a quick hug, surprising Jake.

They finally ended the call and started walking. Sunghoon's arm is placed on Jake's shoulder while walking.

Some students are glancing and gossiping about them on the hallway. Both of them didn't mind it and went inside their classroom.

As soon as Jake and Sunghoon entered the classroom, their classmates got quiet. The whole class are quiet and staring at the two of them. All of them are shocked seeing Sunghoon entering the classroom with the new guy.

Sunghoon didn't mind it and pulled Jake to their seat. Jake started to feel uncomfortable because he can still feel the stares of their classmates.

"Don't mind them.." Sunghoon whispered.

"How can I not? It's uncomfortable"

"Just think that it's only you and me inside this room"

"I'll die" Jake whispered to himself. Sunghoon heard it but didn't tell Jake and just smiled.

Minutes after, the professor entered the classroom.

"Good morning, class!"

"Good morning, Professor Kim Namjoon!" The whole class greeted.

"Hmm-mm. Are you all ready for today?"

"Yes, professor"

"Good. Take out your chemistry notebook, we will have a lecture and then quiz after" Professor Kim said. The students sighed and took their notebooks out. While Jake and Sunghoon happily look out their Chemistry notebook and wrote whatever is being written on the white board.

Jake and Sunghoon started the day with each other and will also end this day with each other.


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now