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Brisbane Australia, 12:00 pm.

Jake is at the cafeteria of their school with his bestfriend, Engene.

"When are you going back to Korea?" Engene asked.

"I don't know. I still have a problem here, remember? Do you already want me to leave?"

"Actually no, I want you to stay here so I can spend some more time with you"

"Dude, I've been here for months already"

"I know but you're always busy, I don't even spend some time with you"

"I'm just waiting for you to approach me, Engene"

"Tch. Anyways, what's your plan? About your problem?"

"I honestly don't know. I don't know how I will tell Sunghoon about this. He'll probably get hurt and I don't want that to happen"

"You love him so much, huh?"

"Of course. I love him so much, I don't even know how to explain how much I love Sunghoon" Jake said, his voice full of love. Suddenly, Engene's face became gloomy but luckily, Jake didn't noticed it.

"I can help you plan. First things first, go to Korea and explain to him everything" Engene said while Jake is listening attentively.

Jake and Engene started to share their plan. It'll be a bit hard since they both don't know if Mr. Shim would allow Jake to go alone in Korea so Engene requested to go with him.

Seoul, South Korea. 11:00 am.

Sunghoon is on the last subject already. It was Chemistry. It's easy and hard at the same time. First, it was easy because it really is. Second, it's hard because Jake came inside his head again. He remembered that they used to review chemistry together.

He answered the last number and as in cue, he finished the test. He doubled checked it first to make sure that he answered all of the questions. After that, he stood up and walked towards Professor Kim.

"Mr. Park? You're done?" Professor Kim asked, obviously surprised.

[A/N: who wouldn't? It's 500 items for fucks sake–]

Sunghoon nodded and placed the test papers on Professor Kim's table. He watched Professor Kim examine his papers.

Well, Sunghoon is always the first one who always finish but Professor Kim always get shocked. The items in the test papers are increasing year by year. In the last year college, they have 500 items which is the highest number of items.

"Great job, Sunghoon. You may go out now, please keep your phone open because I will send a message later when it's time to come back here" Professor Kim said. Sunghoon bowed respectfully and went back to his seat.

He placed the pen he used is his bag and cleaned his desk. After cleaning his desk, he grabbed his bag and went out of the classroom.

He looked at the time on his phone, 11:23 am. He's alone at the moment and doesn't know where to go so he decided to go at the school garden. It was quiet and calming.

He remembered that this is the place where Jake saw him and Wonyoung hugging that lead him to jealousy. Sunghoon chuckled because of his thoughts. But his mood became gloomy when he remembered the damn nightmare again.

Sunghoon once again shook his head to forget about the thought. He took his phone out and stared at Jake's picture.

"I miss you so much.." Sunghoon whispered to himself. Tears started to build at the corner of his eyes. His tears were about to fall but he heard someone.

Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now