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Sunghoon thought it would be a nice day. But when they're having a lunch, Sunoo told him to check his phone. Little did he know checking his phone will be the thing that would ruin his day.

Someone just uploaded a picture of him and Wonyoung hugging at the garden and a picture of Jake and Wonyoung, Jake is ruffling Wonyoung's hair that time.

Someone uploaded those two pictures and the caption is 'Is this the real meaning of hitting two birds with one stone? Jang Wonyoung is a two timer, a hoe!'

Sunghoon almost exploded after seeing the post but good thing Jake is there to calm him down. It was uploaded on their school page online and good thing it was a private page.

Jake, Sunghoon and Wonyoung are sitting at their spot on the cafeteria. Jake is still calming Sunghoon down because he's still mad while Wonyoung is just quiet.

"I swear if I found out who posted that pictures, I'll kill them!"

"Hey, babe, calm down!"

"How can I?! It's fine if it's only me but you and Wonyoung are involved! Damn!"

"Just calm down, okay?"




"Calm down, please baby, just calm down. We will figure out who posted those pictures, okay? But please calm down first, I don't like it when you're mad" Jake said. The scene where Sunghoon got mad repeated in his head, he doesn't like it.

Sunghoon shut his mouth 'cause he knows Jake doesn't like it. He just held Jake's hand tightly.

"I'm sorry.." Wonyoung said. Sunghoon and Jake looked at her in sync.

"For what?" Jake and Sunghoon asked at the same time.

"For dragging you two into this mess, I'm really really sorry"

"It's not your fault, Wonyoung. You don't have to say sorry" Jake said. Sunghoon let out a small smile after hearing what Jake said.

"Sunghoon hyung!" A voice called. The three turned their heads to Jungwon.

"Yes, Jungwon?"

"The principal called you, Jake hyung, and who was it? Ah! And Wonyoung"

"Alright" Sunghoon said. He and Jake stood up as they both looked at Wonyoung. Jungwon also looked at her, he was kinda stunned by Wonyoung's visuals.

"Wonyoung" Sunghoon called.

"I don't want to go.."

"We have to, it's the principal who called us"

"No, I'm scared" Wonyoung said. Jake sighed and held Wonyoung's hand and pulled her to make her stand up.

"Let's go" Jake said. The four of them walked out of the cafeteria.

"Baby.." Sunghoon called.

"Hmm?" Jake hummed. Sunghoon pouted and looked at Jake's hand on Wonyoung's.

"Why do you have to be so possessive.." Jake whispered. He sighed and looked at Jungwon who's walking beside Sunghoon.

"Jungwonie" Jake called.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Can you walk beside Wonyoung please?"

"Of course" Jungwon said and walked over to Wonyoung's side. Jake finally let go of Wonyoung's hand, causing her to look up. She was kinda used to the warmth of Jake's hands.

Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now