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Thursday, 5:00 am.

Sunghoon woke up when his phone vibrated, it was his alarm. He set it on silent mode last night so Jake won't wake up.

He turned the alarm off and looked at Jake who's sleeping peacefully in his arms. He looks like an angel.

Sunghoon smiled and pecked Jake's forehead. He carefully removed Jake's arm from his waist and gently laid Jake's head on the pillow.

Sunghoon stood up and grabbed his phone when it lighted up. He received a message from Mrs. Shim.




Mrs. Shim

Mrs. Shim
Good morning, Sunghoon!
I'm sure you're going to make breakfast for Jakey. I suggest   pancakes with chocolate syrup and then a glass of milk since he like those

Good morning, Mrs. Shim.
Would it be okay if I use  the kitchen?

Mrs. Shim
Of course!

Thank you, Mrs. Shim. I'll  go make Jake's breakfast now.




Sunghoon placed his phone on Jake's side table and bent down a little and leaned towards Jake's face.

"I love you" Sunghoon whispered and pecked Jake's lips.

He grabbed his bag and went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After showering and wearing his uniform, Sunghoon went out of the bedroom and headed downstairs, inside the kitchen. He looked for the pancake mix first. When he found it on the cabinet, he took it out.

When he's already mixing the batter, he heard footsteps behind him. He stopped mixing and turned around. It was Jake.

"Good morning, baby" Sunghoon said and held Jake's waist to pull him closer.

"Morning.." Jake greeted back and rested his chin on Sunghoon's shoulder.

"Why are you so early?" Jake asked.

"I have to prepare breakfast, baby. How about you? Why are you so early?"

"I felt that you're not beside me so I woke up" Jake pouted. Sunghoon chuckled lightly.

"You should take a bath now and then come down after so we can eat breakfast" Sunghoon said and let go of Jake.

Jake left Sunghoon downstairs and went back to his bedroom. He entered the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he wore his uniform. He was about to exit the bedroom but a ringtone stopped him. Jake is hella sure that it was not his ringtone, it's probably Sunghoon's.

He looked for Sunghoon's phone. When he saw it on the side table, he picked it up. Someone's calling. It was Wonyoung. Jake hesitated to answer the call and when he was about to press the answer button, the call ended. But Wonyoung called again so he ran downstairs so Sunghoon can answer it.

Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now