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Jake and Sunghoon are now sitting on their spot at the cafeteria and eating with Jungwon, Sunoo can't join them since he eats lunch with his step brother. As usual, some students are gossiping about Jake and Sunghoon and of course, they didn't mind.

"The lesson earlier is kinda easy" Jake stated while munching on his food which is pasta.

"What subject?" Jungwon asked.

"Chemistry" Jake answered, shocking Jungwon.

"Why?" Jake asked after seeing Jungwon's shocked expression.

"Jungwon hates chemistry, it's the hardest subject for him" Sunghoon said and chuckled.

"Why? It's not that hard"

"It is! I don't know anything about chemistry!" Jungwon said and pouted, making Jake laugh a little while Sunghoon gave him a disappointed look.

"It's because you don't focus, Jungwon. Try to focus sometimes" Sunghoon started to scold Jungwon. Jake got quiet and watched Sunghoon scold Jungwon who keeps on pouting.

"It's hard! I don't have any interest in chemistry"

"Then how will you understand if you don't have any interest in the lesson?" Sunghoon's brows furrowed.

"I just can't. I tried focusing and understanding it but it's really really really hard"

"You're in second year college yet it's already hard for you. What will happen if you're on third and fourth year college, huh?" Sunghoon said and flicked Jungwon's forehead lightly.

"That hurts!" Jungwon said and touched his forehead, making Sunghoon scoff. Jake chuckled and stopped the two of them.

"Sunghoon, stop scolding Jungwon. And Jungwon, try to focus so it won't be hard for you once you enter the higher level" Jake said. Jungwon nodded with a pout while Sunghoon rolled his eyes, Jake caught it and pinched Sunghoon's cheek.

"You're such a baby, Sunghoon. Just stop"

"I'm just annoyed. How can he do good if he doesn't focus?!" Sunghoon exclaimed. Jake understood that Sunghoon wants Jungwon to focus so it won't be hard for him.

"Calm down, no need to shout. Jungwon, promise that you'll focus so Sunghoon will finally shut up" Jake said and looked at Jungwon.

"I promise I'll focus" Jungwon said but Sunghoon just glared at him.

"Hey, hey, stop that. Jungwon promised already"

"Whatever" Sunghoon muttered and continued eating. Jungwon rolled his eyes while Jake giggled at the cuteness of the two.

Silence filled the table. Only the chatters inside the cafeteria can be heard.

Jake was eating his pasta peacefully when he felt a tissue on the corner of his lips. He looked up and saw Sunghoon wiping his lips.

"You got a sauce here.." Sunghoon softly said and gently wiped the sauce away using the tissue.

A fake cough interrupted their moment. It was Jungwon who suddenly faked cough after Sunghoon did that to Jake.

"I didn't come here to be scolded and be the third wheel" Jungwon sassed. Sunghoon finished wiping Jake's face and placed the tissue on the table.

"First of all, I didn't tell you to come with us. Second, why don't you go to Sunoo?" Sunghoon sassed as well. Jake sighed when the two started to bicker again.

"He's with Riki, I'll be the third wheel there as well"

"Riki?" Jake questioned.

"Sunoo hyung's step brother"

"Oh, really? What grade is he in? His name sounds familiar"

"First year college, he's popular here so I think you've probably heard his name here and there" Jungwon stated. Jake nodded a few times but stopped when he saw Sunghoon staring at him.

"Why?" Jake innocently asked and grabbed the glass of water to drink.

"You seem interested in Riki" Sunghoon stated. Jake choked on his water. He placed it down on the table and coughed. Sunghoon panicked and rubbed Jake's back.

"I just said that you seem interested in him and you suddenly choked, why? Am I right?" Sunghoon's brows furrowed.

"Of course not" Jake said, still coughing a bit.

"Yeah what a lie"

"I'm not lying but.."


"I'm actually interested in one person"

"Who?" Sunghoon asked, ready to beat the shit of that person.

"You" Jake honestly answered. Sunghoon froze on his seat as his eyes are on Jake. He felt his cheeks heating up after hearing Jake's answer.

Jungwon kicked Sunghoon's leg under the table, making him flinch and went back to reality. Sunghoon cleared his throat and tried speaking but he can't even complete his words.

"Continue flirting, I'm out" Jungwon said as he stood up and walked away. Sunghoon is still frozen on his spot and Jake noticed it.

"Sunghoon, are you okay?" Jake asked.

"I- uhm, yeah" Sunghoon answered.

"Are you done eating? We only have a few minutes left until out next class so hurry up"

"I'm done, let's go"


Jake and Sunghoon are now walking out of the building.

Both of them are just quiet, it was hella awkward. Sunghoon can't still move on when Jake admitted that he's interested in him.



Both of them called each other at the same time as they made an eye contact. The two away looked away immediately as they felt their cheeks heating up.

"Y-you can go first" Jake said. Sunghoon cleared his throat before speaking.

"Are you serious about what you said earlier?" Sunghoon asked.

"Of course, I am" Jake answered, making Sunghoon smile.

"Alright. How about you? Why did you call me? You want to say something?"


"What is it?"

"I want to say that I'm serious about what I said. I'm interested in you" Jake straightforwardly answered.

"You believe me, right?" Jake asked.

"Yes, I do" Sunghoon said and smiled. That smile. It made Jake smile as well.

"You're more handsome when you smile" Jake said.

"Really? Should I smile often? I don't really smile so.."

"You should. You look good and approachable when you smile"

"Yea? I don't want others to approach me" Sunghoon said. Jake was confused at first but remembered that Sunghoon is an introvert.

"Oh, right. Still, smile. I like seeing you smile"

"Do you like me too?" Sunghoon bluntly asked. Jake was flustered and had the urge to nod but stopped himself.

"I'm joking" Sunghoon added. Jake rolled his eyes and didn't mind it.

They stopped at the gate and stood there.

Jake felt his phone vibrating in his pocket so he took it out. He was confused when he saw Sunghoon's name, asking for a FaceTime.

"Why are you calling? We're still together" Jake said but still answered the call.

"I want to see your face every second so I called since we're both going home now"

"O-oh, alright.. I'll go now"

"Be safe. See you tomorrow, Jakey"

"You too. See you tomorrow, Sunghoon"


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now