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Professor Kim went back in the classroom after one hour. He's surprised that the whole class is silently reviewing but when he saw a pen infront, he clearly knows what happened. He picked the pen and placed it on his table.

He knew Sunghoon very well. He's probably the one who threw the pen. They angered him for the second time.

Professor Kim sighed and placed the test papers on his table. He catched the attention of the students by clapping.

"Times up. Hide all your things, we will only use a pen, nothing else" Professor Kim said. The students hid all their things except their pen.

He gave the test papers to the students one by one.

"You have two hours to answer, you may start now" Professor Kim said.

The whole class started answering their test. Almost half of the class is worried how they will answer all of it since it's too many and they didn't got a lot of time reviewing.

Meanwhile, Jake and Sunghoon are pretty calm. They're answering the questions calmly. The two of them always do advance reading so this is no problem for them. However, it was a bit tough for Jake but he can handle it.


Sunghoon just finished the test. He stood up and walked towards Professor Kim and passed his paper.

"You're done?" Professor Kim asked. It was not shocking since Sunghoon is always the first one who passes his paper. He's that smart.

"Alright, good job. Anyways, here's your pen" Professor Kim handed him the pen he threw earlier.

"They angered you again, huh?"

"Hmm. They were so noisy earlier so.."

"I know, I know. It's okay, it's your job. You can go out now" Professor Kim said. Sunghoon nodded and went back to his seat.

"Let's just meet at the canteen later" Sunghoon whispered to Jake. Jake nodded and he watched Sunghoon exit the classroom before focusing on the test again.

Sunghoon quietly walked on the hallway. He went to the classroom of first year colleges to check if Wonyoung is still there.

She's not.

Sunghoon knocked on the door, capturing the whole class's attention.

"Yes, Mr. Park?"

"Mr. Jung. Is Wonyoung here?"

"Oh no she's not, she didn't attend class"


"Hmm-mm. I heard the news earlier so it must be the reason why she didn't come"

"Alright. Thank you, Mr. Jung" Sunghoon said and left.

He looked for Wonyoung around the whole university. She's not in the rooftop, canteen, library, Sunghoon can't find her anywhere. His last destination is in the school garden. He ran and ran until he reached his destination.

There he saw Wonyoung sitting on the grass and crying silently.

Sunghoon quickly approached her. He also sat down so he can face Wonyoung.

"Wonyoung.." Sunghoon called. Wonyoung looked up with tears falling from her prescious eyes.

"Sunghoon.." Wonyoung mumbled. Sunghoon pulled her closer for a hug.

"Cry all you want, I'm here for you" Sunghoon said as he caressed Sunghoon's head.

An unexpected cry can be heard from Wonyoung.

"I- It hurts a lot. I l-love him s-so much a-and I didn't expect t-that he can do this to me! I hate him!" Wonyoung cried.

"Does your body hurt a lot?" Sunghoon asked.

"Yes but the pain in my heart hurts more, it felt like someone cut it in half.." Wonyoung said. Sunghoon doesn't know what to do and say.

"It's okay, I'm here. I won't leave you"Sunghoon said. He moved away and wiped Wonyoung's tears and cupped her cheeks after.

"You'll get better soon, just forget about him. I'm here and I'll never leave you, I promise"

"T-thank you" Wonyoung muttered.

There stood a figure who's watching them from a far. He just arrived and never expected that he'll get hurt after hearing Sunghoon's words.

"As always. You're my princess and you deserved to be loved. If they can't treat you right, then I will. That's how much I love you" Sunghoon said and trapped Wonyoung in his arms again.

Sunghoon kept on comforting her, saying sweet words that can calm Wonyoung down.

Not knowing that someone is watching them and getting his heart broken from the sight.


"Jake hyung? Are you alright?" Jungwon asked when he saw Jake getting out of the restroom with puffy eyes.

"I- yeah, I am"

"Where's Sunghoon hyung?"

"I don't know" Jake looked away.

"Maybe he went somewhere. You want to have lunch with me, hyung?"

"Of course" Jake gave him a fake smile.

Jake and Jungwon entered the cafeteria.

"Oh, there's Sunghoon hyung" Jungwon pointed at their table. Jake looked at him but his brows furrowed when he saw that Sunghoon is not alone. He's with Wonyoung.

Jake and Jungwon approached the two. They sat infront of Sunghoon and Wonyoung. Jake took a quick glance of Wonyoung, she looks much better now.

They started eating and the three noticed how quiet Jake is. It made them worried, especially Sunghoon.

Sunghoon asked Jake if he's okay and he just nodded. He never talked it anything, he's just silently eating.

Jake gave him a silent treatment.


Broken Destiny • JakeHoon • #2Where stories live. Discover now