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Sunday, 12:30 pm.

Sunghoon is in his condo. He just finished eating lunch. He's thinking if he should go to Jake's house, he badly wants to see his baby.

In the middle of his thoughts, he felt his phone vibrated. He received a message from Mrs. Shim.




Mrs. Shim

Mrs. Shim
Sunghoon, are you busy?

No, Mrs. Shim. Why?

Mrs. Shim
Come over, spend some time with Jake





Sunghoon dropped his phone on the bed and immediately dressed up. After dressing up, he grabbed his wallet, phone and his condo key then he went out.

Sunghoon just arrived at Jake's house. He pressed the doorbell twice before it opened. Surprisingly, Mr. Shim is the one who opened the door. Sunghoon felt his heartbeat racing as he stare at the man infront of him. He knew it was Jake's dad.

"You must be Sunghoon" Mr. Shim gave him a warm smile.

"Y-yes, sir. Mrs. Shim told me to come over.."

"Hmm, I told her that. Come in, Jake's upstairs" Mr. Shim opened the door widely so Sunghoon can enter. But when Sunghoon is about to go upstairs, Mr. Shim called him.


"Mr. Shim?"

"Spend all your time with Jake today, I'm afraid it'll be the last" Mr. Shim said. Sunghoon gulped and slowly nodded. He rushed upstairs and opened Jake's door.

When he entered, Jake is still sleeping. He locked the door and quietly walked towards Jake's bed. Sunghoon sat beside Jake and caressed his face softly.

Jake felt someone touching his face so he slowly opened his eyes. He was surprised that he saw Sunghoon.

"Sunghoon.." Jake called. He immediately wrapped his arms around Sunghoon's neck and pulled him closer for a hug.

"Hmm, baby. How was your sleep?" Sunghoon asked as he pull away and kissed Jake's nose.

"I don't know. What are you doing here?"

"Your mom told me to come over and.. spend time with you. Did something happened?"

"Can we talk about this later? I'll just take a bath"

"Alright. Take your time, baby"


Few minutes after and Jake came out of the bathroom fully dressed. He sat beside Sunghoon and they faced each other.

"So what happened?" Sunghoon asked. Jake took a deep breath before starting.

"Dad wants me to go back to Australia.."

"... Are you going to go back?"

"Yes, I don't have any choice. He said if I stay here, I need to breakup with you. I'd rather go back to Australia than to lose you" Jake said. Sunghoon saw the tears falling from his eyes down to his face so he immediately hugged Jake.

"Baby, it's okay. You'll come back here, right? You'll come back to me" Sunghoon said and moved away. He wiped Jake's tears using his hands.

"I will, don't worry. But promise me one thing"


"Never replace me once I left"

"How can I replace you, baby? You're the only one I love. And you have to promise that you'll not replace me as well" Sunghoon said. Jake nodded and showed his pinky. Sunghoon connected their pinkies together.

[Warning: It may be the last one so be prepared. LEAVE IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE. Lechugaaur]

"Let's seal this promise" Sunghoon whispered and immediately pressed his lips on Jake's.

Jake closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. Sunghoon is kissing him deeply, slightly pushing Jake that made him fall on the bed while Sunghoon is on top of him.

The kiss is starting to get intense.

Sunghoon kissed Jake even harder. Jake's hands were placed on Sunghoon's shoulder while Sunghoon has an arm around Jake's waist and the other one on the bed to support his weight.

The kiss was loud.

Sunghoon is kissing Jake like it was the last time. Jake never argued and let Sunghoon kiss him since he also want it.

But their bodies want more than a kiss. Both of them knew they can't do it yet.

Sunghoon stopped for a bit so Jake can breath. Jake looked at Sunghoon and pulled the hem of his shirt, leaving him half naked. Jake's pressed his lips against Sunghoon's neck, licking and biting it lightly. His hands travelled from Sunghoon's shoulders to his bare chest. Sunghoon's breath started to get heavier as he felt himself getting a reaction down there.

"... Fuck" Sunghoon whispered when Jake suddenly sucked his neck.

Jake stopped for a bit after hearing Sunghoon cussing. His voice sounded so deep and hot, it sends shiver down to his spine.

Sunghoon looked at Jake's eyes, down to his swollen lips. Sunghoon bit his lips and pulled Jake's shirt this time, leaving him half naked as well. His hands itched, he wanted to touch Jake.

"Jake.. may I?" Sunghoon asked, asking for a permission to touch him. Sunghoon gulped when Jake nodded. He slowly ran his hands from Jake's tummy to his chest.

Jake accidentally moaned softly when he felt Sunghoon's hand on his body.

Sunghoon started to lose control so he removed his hands from Jake's bare chest and put it on his waist instead.

He connected their lips once again. It was more intense, louder, deeper and harder this time. Even Jake is starting to lose control. But he trust Sunghoon.

Jake moaned through the kiss when Sunghoon squeezed his waist a little. Sunghoon broke the kiss and pressed his lips against Jake's neck.

He was so careful not to leave marks on Jake's neck because his parents might see it but Sunghoon wants to mark him so bad.

"Baby.. may.. may I mark you?"

"Yes, but not on my neck. Mark me on my... chest" Jake boldly said. Sunghoon smirked to himself and immediately attached his lips on Jake's bare chest. He licked, bit and sucked, leaving a mark.

Jake almost moaned out so loud but Sunghoon covered his mouth while still marking him.

That's how they spend their time. Making out as if it's their last time.

Author's note:
They did nothing else, don't let your imaginations run wild bestie

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