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Both of us family let us to time spend alone....so they sent to us to choos our wedding cloths...

Before we walked out mrs.jeon said
Mrs.jeon: Yes one thing....Choose both your wedding clothes.....

Y/N feels that her cheeks getting red.
Jungkook: no not now...we just spend time eachother...not today.
Tzuyu: Why?? Is there something that you want to say???
That your parents doesn't know even....

Mr.jeon: What do you want to say jungkook(his soul trembled now. He questioned him)

Jungkook didn't believe that...exactly he thinks to hurt y/N
His intention was hurt her by saying the truth. He thought by saying the truth atleast she can move on from him...so he can easily Married to sana without any Hesitate. He gave shot death glare to tzuyu. But tzuyu is savage you can't stop her at all. Jungkook can't do anything instead glaring her.

Jungkook: No I don't want to....it's just personal between me and Y/N(While gaze at Y/N)

Tzuyu reads his minds perfectly....he actually wanted to tell her about Sana...and hurt her...but she going with Y/N...she can't let him chance to tell her.

Tzuyu: "I can't let you to tell about Sana to her jeon jungkook. I can't." (she said this in her mind)

they are headed out from the house. Jungkook walking  like he agreed for this marriage while Y/N keep blushing.i hit with my shoulder....she looked at back to me.

Tzuyu: Why are you blushing????
Y/N: coz I'm gonna marry My childhood love.....He's my future husband....
Tzuyu looks a bit sad of her words. Y/N considered him as her husband...but she thinks what will jungkook consider her???

While thinking this Tzuyu,Y/N and jungkook reached to the car.
Jungkook opened the door of the car.
Jungkook: go!! Sit!!
Y/N smiled then sat.....tzuyu getting annoyed by his pretending to be loving.

Jungkook Slammed the door and get closer to tzuyu
Tzuyu: go hurry up...I'll sit at back.

Jungkook: Please.....
Tzuyu then sat on the back seat. Jungkook drove off the....

After some minutes Tzuyu phone buzzing and then she picked up the caller ID..


Tzuyu: "Hello!!"
Taehyung: "Where you are been??"
Tzuyu: "actually I'm here with Y/N....don't worry just ask our side neighbors to give the keys."
Taehyung:"Okay bye....I hope I didn't disturb you."
Tzuyu: "Not at all"

I hung up the call.

Then Y/N spoke
Y/N: with whom are you talking to??
Tzuyu: my boyfriend....
Y/N: ohhh
Jungkook: You have boyfriend....????
Tzuyu:Ofc I have...Everyone has theirs partners...and also you have a girlfriend for sure.

Jungkook now shocked of her question...and giving her death glaring through the small mirror.

Jungkook's mind: "how did she know that I have a girlfriend.
No no....she just guessing. But how.....a person can't guess all time. Such a intelligent girl. Beware jungkook."

Y/N:Tzuyu stop you just brain testing him. Sorry jungkook
Jungkook: It's okay.....No need to apologize....And you're wrong tzuyu...I don't have any girlfriend.

Cold But Sweet Husband [[J.Jk FF]]Where stories live. Discover now