♧"Where were you last night"♧

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Mia stopped him by kissing him all of sudden. They had a longest kiss because Mia wanted him to her back so she wrapped her hand around his neck to kiss him more deepen. Mia did kiss him deeply. He is shook now. He froze at his place. He decided to break the kiss by push her back. He pushed her by holding her both shoulders.
Jungkook-: Stop it....*Pissed*
Mia-: What happened jungkook?
Jungkook-: Have you lost your mind?
Mia-: But I love you as I told you.
Jungkook-: Stop it. You ruin my whole mood. I don't know why I came here. I should've stay in room.
Mia-: Jungkook.....You're so sweet.
Jungkook-: Leave me alone please.....
He left her alone.
Mia-: My idea finally worked Just a little bit, but it had an effect.
Mia also left to Hotel room.

Mia the entered the hotel, then reached her room by elevator. She stood in front of Jungkook's room and looked at his rook with smirk. Mia was thinking about Evil plan of her. Mia knocked her room door Mia's friends are in Mia's room. Lauren opened the door.
Lauren-: Oh girl you come.
Mia-: Yo!!
Diana-: What you two did?
Mia-: You want to know ?
Girls are excited to know.
Nina-: C'mon don't take time to say this.
Mia-: I kissed him.
Girls in same time-: Oooooooohhhhhhhh!! I'm feeling hot. *fanning her hand*
Diana-: Expect me I guess.
Mia-: Yes!!
Lauren-: Then what you did....Ahh..what he did first tell us??
Mia-: ummm...boy was little shy. He broke the longest kiss. Even I proposed him. But he said "leave me alone."
Nina-: Man is very shy.
Mia-: Yo!! You know what when I proposed him he didn't say that I don't love you means.....
Diana-: Means?
Lauren-: He also has crush on her.
Diana-: Hooo!!! Really?
Mia-: Hmm...but still don't know i need to find that out. Girls I'm sleepy.. I'm gonna sleep now.
Lauren-: Okay bye good night..

After Lauren and Diana left. Nina closed the door then came to Mia.
Nina-: Could you tell me in details?
Mia-: I already told you everything.
Nina-: you said you kissed him. You can't kiss him easily...am I right or wrong?
Mia giggled
Mia-: Yes dear! I kissed him easily.
Nina-: What?
Mia-: yes!
Nina-: I mean ummm....lip lock or somewhere...
Mia-: Lip lock....
Nina-: My god but Lauren and Diana thinks something else.
Mia-: I know they think something else.

In the corridor Lauren and Diana walking to their room.
Diana-: do you think Mia kissed him in real?
Lauren-: I guess so because Mia has guts and her guts are very strong.
Diana-: I mean....If she really kissed him....then where would she kiss him? On lips?
Lauren-: maybe...cause Mia is very good at confessing or else may be not...cause we weren't there with her when it happened.
Diana-: Hmmm..
Lauren-: Let's wait for morning.
Diana nodded.

Next morning

It's morning 9am. Everyone having breakfast that hotel arrange for the people. The party will last for 2-3 days. It's the 2nd day of party. Jungkook and Y/N came out to hall for breakfast. They both saw seokjin Yuri and jimin were having breakfast. They both went to them.
Y/N-: Good morning Mr. & Mrs. Kim, good morning Jimin sunbae
Seokjin-: Good morning Mrs. Jeon.
Yuri-: Good morning Y/N
Jungkook-: Good morning three of you.
Jimin-: Good morning Mr. Jeon. *looking at him head to toe until he sit.*
Y/N-: we are sorry for late.
Yuri-: No that's fine.....
Jimin-: it's okay.
Everyone having breakfast then seokjin break the silence.
Seokjin-: should we go somewhere out?
Yuri-: Yeah sure let's go somewhere guys...
Y/N-: yes!! Let jungkook and jimin finish their breakfast.
Jimin-: ummm...guys you can go guys I feel hungry a lot. Even jungkook haven't finished yet. I'll come with him. You may go.
Yuri-: Okay...then...let's go. 
Yuri, yn and seokjin left.
Jimin-: Nice breakfast *Compliment his food*
Jungkook-: hmm...taste good.
Jimin-: How's your health?
Jungkook-: Health? *questioned him back*
Jimin-: Yeah!! You said you feel sick.
Jungkook-: yeah I'm feeling good right now.
Jimin-: hmm...Ofcurse after met a girl right?
Jungkook look at him
Jungkook-: Mr. Jimin....Are you still drunk?
Jimin-: No....I'm not in drunk statement.
Jungkook-: What are you talking about?
Jimin-: you know what i'm talking about..
Jungkook-: Mr. Jimin I have no idea.
Jimin-: Okay I'm talking about last night..
Jungkook panicked but didn't shows to him.
Jungkook-: Huh?
Jimin-: Do you think I'm fool?
Jungkook-: you confused me a lot.
Jimin-: Ok i'll come straight to the point. So Mr. Jeon jungkook "WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?"
Jungkook looked at him in disbelief.
Jungkook-: I was in the room yesterday.
Jimin laughed at his Statement.
Jimin-: How can you be so confident in lying?
Jungkook-: I'm not lying.
Jimin-: Then actually you think that I'm a fool.
Jungkook-: You're maybe who knows...
Jimin-: You're the biggest fool here.
Jungkook started sweating.
Jimin-: You kissed a random girl in the beach. If you were not feeling well then why did you go to the beach...to kiss a girl?
Jungkook-: How did you know I went to the beach yesterday?
Jimin-: hmm just found out.
Jungkook-: That can't be me.
Jimin-: sure...
Jungkook-: Of curse....
Jimin-: I think You wore a black hoodie yesterday, right?
He shook now.
Jimin-: Let me tell that as per your information, yesterday there is a club directly on the same beache and I was on the terrace of the same club with Y/N and Yuri.


Y/N and yuri having fun and taking pictures while other side jimin Enjoy the night. He started watching the beach view with his binoculars. Then he caught something that grabbed his attention. He saw that Jungkook with another girl and they were kissing.
Jimin was shocked at first he thought it his misconception but he watched again. He was right. He was jungkook with black hoodie with another girl. Each other wrapped their hand while kissing each other.
Jimin called Y/N
Jimin-: Y/N come here I wanna show something.
Y/N was busy talking to Yuri.
Jimin thought Y/N would hurt if he told her.
Jimin-: no not now. She would be hurt.

Present time

After Jungkook heard everything from jimin He started cursing himself inside. Somewhat he admit it that it happened in real.
Jimin-: Mr. Jeon jungkook I caught you red handed.

See you tomorrow bye bye......👋

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