♧The Wedding Pt.2♧

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Taehyung whispered in his ear
Taehyung-: Can you come with me for a minute??
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrow then agree to go with him.

Taehyung-: Y/N-ah we both have personal talk- (Incomplete sentence hehe lol)

Y/N-: Yeah yeah sure!!

Taehyung and jungkook went somewhere to talk
Taehyung-: Jungkook!! You're already married now congratulations....stop loving Sana now.

Jungkook Turned to him with questionable look!
Jungkook-: What?? Leave Sana? How do you think about this? BTW who are you??
Taehyung Smirked a little then continue
Taehyung-: Your Upcoming Collaboration partner.
Jungkook-: The Collaboration hasn't start yet!
Taehyung-: But Soon to be!
Jungkook-: Don't forget Who I am ??
Taehyung-: And Don't forget You signed the Collaboration papers first. I can cancel the Collaboration with a denial. I can spread rumors about you. [Jungkook seems panicked and know very well that Kim Taehyung has good connection with media and with my employees and managers...what if he does that for real then media wouldn't spare me for sure.]

[Jungkook sighed heavily]
Jungkook-: Fine!! I did first....so? I would leave her!!
Taehyung-: You're hurting an innocent.
[Jungkook made an annoyed look.]

But Another side Tzuyu's listening theirs conversations
Behind the curtains
Tzuyu-: Ufff This two!! Can't they talk about something else beside the business?

Taehyung-: Listen!! Jungkook Y/N is a nice girl...I've already meet her.
Jungkook-: so? I'm not gonna melting by ur words.
Taehyung-: You'll regret Jungkook!! Remind my words

[Jungkook smirked while leaving the place they were talking..]

[Tzuyu came out from behind the curtains]

Taehyung-: Hon!! I've tried a lot!
Tzuyu-: This is your way to convince someone ? Seriously Taehyung ? [She started hitting him with clutch bag]

Taehyung-: Stop hitting Tzuyu. It's hurting...
Tzuyu-: I hate you!!

[Tzuyu angrily left the wedding destination while Montana waiting outside]

Taehyung-: I think I didn't try my best...I'll try next time..
Tzuyu angrily door the car's door and drove away.
Tzuyu-: Montana I think I need your help.
Montana-: Yeah! Say!
Tzuyu-: I want to meet your friend. Is she know everything right?
Montana-: I don't know as she said Jungkook has a girlfriend named Sana that's all but here I saw he married to an another girl....... I didn't heard any news about their break up...that's why I little confused. You'll know after you meet my friend.
Tuzyu-: Okay it's very urgent to meet her. Try to convince her.
Montana -: ok ok!

At wedding destination
Taehyung roaming around looking for Jungkook and Sana. Everyone was there but these two disappeared somewhere. Then Taehyung saw them together hugging each other....it's like Sana crying here he's comforting her. They were a little far away from the wedding destination that no one can come there. Taehyung took out his phone and clicks some photos of them.

Taehyung-: Fine! But something bitting me a lot. What if he's gonna tell the truth...I'm not feeling well also...something gonna happen...I hope not here. Let me interrupted them...[Taehyung decided to call him that everyone looking for you.]
Taehyung dialed his no.

Taehyung-: where are you jungkook everyone looking for you come to the spot.
Jungkook-: I'm coming...
Taehyung hung up
Taehyung-: *smirk* Tsk tsk tsk....poor Sana I'm not gonna let you close to him.[Then he taehyung left from there.]

They both also came to the spot.


Tzuyu dropped Montana at her home.
Montana-: Thank you a lot
Tzuyu-: Mention not!!
Montana-: Okay bye!! Xoxo!
Tzuyu-: Hey listen! Let me inform about your friend if she's okay with it.
Montana-: do not worry! I'll inform you!!
Tzuyu-: Okay then I'm leaving!
Montana nodded...

Tuzyu drove away!!

Taehyung tried to call her just to know if she has reached safely but she declined the call again and again

Taehyung-: Aishhh !!!! [Frustrated tone] what did I do wrong? I tried but it won't effect. Anyway I should leave now....no I won't leave the place.

At the wedding spot
Everyone gathered together especially girls to collect the bouquet
While Taehyung thought if Tzuyu was here she would collect the bouquet.
Taehyung-: aarrrggghhh! (Rubbed his forehead in frustration)

At the time Y/N's threw the bouquet to the girls but there's a random girl who collect her bouquet.

Taehyung-: Tsk tsk tsk....poor Sana! You couldn't caught the bouquet. Well nice atleast I was wishing a lot for you to not to caught the bouquet hahaha!!

If Tzuyu was there she would definitely catch it up
But Tzuyu wasn't in mood to attend the wedding.

Then Taehyung saw both jungkook and Sana eyeing each other.
Taehyung-: Oooohhh!!! Looking at each other to talk somewhere all alone. I wouldn't let that happen.
I'll stay here until everyone is gone.

Taehyung-: Hey Sana!!! How are you.....oh sorry you must be sad. So what? Jungkook got his partner now. You'll get soon. Or what? Do you think jungkook gonna love you....nah girl He got his childhood friend you're just for temporary nothing else. Stop loving him....he'll change his mind and forget You. [Sana patiently heard everything... after heard these from him Sana feel insecure then angrily left the destination.]
Taehyung-: hey listen I haven't finished yet. Thank God atleast I've made her out from here.

Taehyung-: hey!! Wait can you tell the groom that Taehyung calling you??
Man-: Okay sir!!
Taehyung-: thank you!! Now let's pretend to be in hurry!!

Then A man approached jungkook and said
Man-: Mr. Jeon Mr. Kim is calling you...and he's in hurry to leave.
Jungkook-: ok! I'll come in a minute!!

Let's see What will happen

To be continued...💜

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