♧The honeymoon♧

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At Jeon Mansion

Jungkook was ready for his office while Y/N Folding the cloths and put inside the wardrobe. Then jungkook break the silence.
Jungkook-: Y/N....Are you fine with honeymoon plans?
Y/N-: huh? *turns around* umm... I'm comfortable with your choice. I'm totally okay.
Jungkook-: like I'm choosing Bali and Bangkok? I'm confused between this.
Y/N-: you know I'm thinking about something. Can I say?
Jungkook-: hmmm...go ahead
Y/N-: we can visit Vietnam. What say? Actually it is affordable too.
Jungkook Denied straightly.
Jungkook-: No not vietnam. *he saw Y/N looks sad* I mean we can go someday but not now
Y/N-: *low tone* Okay.
Jungkook-: so which one?
Y/N-: Bangkok...
Jungkook-: Okay....Bangkok is fixed. We'll go there for honeymoon.
Y/N-: Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh!! *Y/N seems exciting* Bangkok is also good place.

Then Jungkook's mom called Y/N
J/M-: Y/N can you come down please?
Y/N-: Yes mom...
Y/N left jungkook alone in the room
Jungkook slightly smiling over Y/N cuteness.
Jungkook-: *whispered* cute........what ? What I'm trying to say?

12 hours later
Jungkook came back home all tired dropping himself on the couch while closed eyes. Y/N is busy with her work and didn't notice that he's here. Y/N was about to passed through the couch suddenly she did notice a figure. Y/N went to him to wake him up.
Y/N-: Jungkook *calling his name* jungkook are you tired so much? *jungkook didn't response cause he was sleeping deeply* how to wake him up?
Then Y/N shakes him
Y/N-: Jungkookie!! *shake* jungkook!!

Jungkook POV
I was taking nap because I was tired a lot then someone shaking me with half opened eyes I saw Y/N wakes me up.
Jungkook-: What? What am I doing?
Y/N-: you are sleeping here. You are tired. Just go upstairs and sleep I'll wake you up at *looking at watch* 9pm.
Jungkook-: Y/N I don't think I can sit properly and eat. Can't you see my head hangs down continuously.
Y/N-: I can see....that's why I'm telling you go upstairs and sleep for a while.
Jungkook-: Don't be appetite for me kindly have dinner. I'm going.

Author POV

Y/N saw jungkook heading to bedroom he's hard working person.

Y/N-: You're very hard working I'm proud of you but how can you expect that I can eat without you?


Y/N went her room to see if he wakes up or not but he still sleeping. He was snoring too. He was deeply sleeping. Wakes him up is too difficult. Even if the earthquake come but he won't wake up.

Y/N-: You're pretty when you're sleeping good night.

*Turns the light off*

3 days later

It was morning 6:40 am. Jungkook and Y/N are ready with luggages and stuffs for Bangkok.
Jungkook-: *Eyeing on everything* I hope you're packed your things. You didn't left anything? *He talking to himself* where is she? *looking for her* as she said I grabbed her stuffs to car and here she's taking so time.

Then His mom come outside with all ready to drop both of them at airport. Then he asked about Y/N
Jungkook-: Mom Where is Y/N? We are getting late. We have to reach at 7:10 or before 7:10.
Jk's mom-: She said she's coming....
Jungkook-: Ok but hurry....
Jk's mom-: Why ?
Jungkook-: just like that....I don't like being late.
Jk's mom-: Okay I understand 👍🏻
Jungkook-: Nothing like that mom....
Jk's mom-: You're my son I understand you very much.
Jungkook-: Think whatever you think...

Then Both Jk's mom and jungkook heard footsteps that coming from hall to them. First his mom (mother-in-law/MIL) turns her head to her and she smiled with wide eyes Then jungkook turns to her and inside he compliments her look. He can't stop staring at her. She wears like a pinterest aesthetic girl. Jungkook couldn't take his eyes from her.

Jungkook POV

When I heard footsteps coming from inside I turns my head and saw Y/N coming. She's looking pretty.

Jungkook in his mind-: Oh my god! She looks stunning. To be honest she's beautiful. I can't help but staring at her. I can't take my eyes off from her. God I'm loosing my mind. Oh my god how would I give her compliments?? Omo? Am I trembling? Why?

Jungkook-: Are you done?
Y/N-: Hmm....
Jungkook-: Let's go we are getting late.
Y/N and I went inside the car and drove away to airport.

Jungkook's mind-: should I give her compliments ??
I'm scared as hell.

Author POV

In this whole ride jungkook can't stop staring at her. He staring at her constantly until they reached airport.
Y/N saw her mom taking her luggages. Y/N tried to snatched her luggages from her.
Y/N-: Mom give it to me. You don't need to carry..
MIL-: It's okay. You two going to Bangkok for honeymoon. I can do this.
Y/N-: But-
MIL-: No...you should go walk with him. Go!!
Y/N-: Umm...okay!

Y/N walked beside him quietly. Then jungkook break his silence.
Jungkook-: You looking pretty. *looking here and there in shy and avoid eye contact*
Y/N-: Thank you you look stunning too.
Jungkook-: You wears like pinterest aesthetic girl.
Y/N-: Oh Really?
Jungkook-: hmm....
Y/N-: Do you watch pinterest?
Jungkook-: Hmm...sometimes...sometimes aesthetic things comes up to my pinterest home page.
Y/N nodded
Jungkook-: I'm coming after a minute.
Jungkook went to check their passports
Y/N was there all alone. His mom and dad is talking about another topic. Y/N is blushing hard to heard a compliments from him.
After he done he came to you.
Jungkook-: It's all done. Should we go? It's almost time.
Y/N-: hmm..

Both of them hugged their mom and dad(her in-laws)
Y/N-: We are leaving Mom and dad take care of yourself.
Mom and dad-: We will.....
Jungkook-: I'll let you know after we reached there.
Mom-: hmm...
Jungkook-: Let's go..*about to leave*
Mom-: Wait....*went to them* wrap your hand around his arm.
Her MIL made Y/N wrapped her arm around his arm.
Mom-: go and reach there safely.

Both of them watching the two love birds leaving for Bangkok.

That's all for today💜 bye 👋 good night 😴 🥱

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