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Jungkook Walking here And there in tense about Y/N. She didn't inform him where did she go? Jin and Yuri also trying to contact her but she didn't pick up her phone.
Yuri-: I tried a lot....She didn't pick up...I think she went with Jimin.
Seokjin-: I think so.....Cause he's not here with us too...
Jungkook bites his lower lips in panic.
Yuri gaze went to jimin and a girl who was walking beside him.
Yuri-: Look....like I told you....they both went out.
Jungkook immediately ran to her.
Jungkook-: Are you crazy? How can you leave without telling me? *Breathing heavily*
Y/N-: I'm sorry....Jimin took me...
Jimin-: And Don't worry Jungkook...I can protect her.
Jungkook gives a deadly stare to him but jimin didn't care as he knows the whole thing.
Jimin-: Are you ready for the last party? Actually it is last means the whole party is mine. I organizes the last one.....The grand one......Y/N....can you be my-
Jungkook interrupted
Jungkook-: I'm her husband....no need of that.
Jimin-: What say? *ignore him*
Jimin and jungkook both were waiting for Y/N's response.
Y/N-: Sunbae I'll tell you......
Jungkook-: She's my wife.
Yuri-: Ok...ok...done fighting..Let's go...
Yuri and Jin left.
Jimin-: You've said she's your wife but you know what you were about to say "OF CURSE SHE'LL CHOOSE ME"
Jungkook-: Yes so what??
Jimin-: Nothing.....I see you have guts so much. Having three timing.....you're Three timing freaking guy.
Jungkook gritted his teeth in anger.
Jungkook-: Shut up....
Jimin laughed at him
Jungkook-: You're crazy....I'm married.
Jimin-: so tell me do you love your wife?
Jungkook-: Huh? I do I mean- why are you asking this?
Jimin-: liar.....see ya!!
Jimin went to his room leave jungkook dumbfounded in the giant hall.

Few hours later

Mia and her friends getting for party but her friends wants to hangs out in Bangkok club. Mia wants attend the last party that organized by jimin.
Mia-: I'll attend the party.
Lauren-: Okay....we three will to club then...
Mia-: Okay...
Lauren-: do you think jungkook will attend the party....
Mia-: I don't know....You mean I create the mess right?
Lauren-: Yes...girl be careful.....
Mia-: Okay....

Three girls left her alone. Mia dried her hair while thinking about jungkook.
Mia-: I'll never stop loving you....


It's already evening....The grand one party is about begin. Jungkook came out from washroom while Y/N was sitting edge of the bed. Jungkook notices she seems upset. He decided to break the silence.
Jungkook-: What happened Y/N? Something wrong? Are you okay? *went near her*
Y/N-: Nothing....I just- *he sat besides her*
Jungkook-: See Y/N I'm so-orry about what happened earlier but I didn't do anything...I know admit that She found my belt and I went to her cause she wanted to apologize to me an-
Y/N-: why are you clarifying...huh? Why? Are you done something?
He shook
Y/N-: You know what The one who gives too many explanations is hiding something....
Jungkook-: No.....I'm not hiding....
Y/N-: well who am I? I'm just your wife. Okay get up and ready.
Jungkook swallowing spit in guilty.
Jungkook-: Oh God my life is complicated.

At the party

Everyone attention to the jimin's speech then soon claps everyone and jimin end his speech. After then he came to Y/N. He hugged her and she hugged him back.
Y/N-: you were pretty shy...now you're speech in front of people.
Jimin-: Yeah....I practiced a lot how was it? Did I seems nervous in middle of the speech?
Y/N-: Not at all....
Jimin-: Hehehe!! Hello Mr. Jeon....
Jungkook looked at him
Jungkook-: Hii....
Jimin-: Come with me.....I'll introduce you to someone *he dragged her made him jealous*
Jungkook-: What he thinks himself??

Then a waiter comes to jungkook.
Waiter-: Excuse me sir.....Are you jeon jungkook?
Jungkook Turned to him and say yes..
Jungkook-: Yes.....
Waiter-: Sir you have to go here.....
Jungkook-: What?
Waiter left he ask something
Jungkook reads the small piece of paper it written "394"
Jungkook got it It was Mia who sent him through her.
Jungkook-: F*** *swearing* this bitch didn't let me breath.

As like before he went to 394 opened the door then shut the door and finds no one but this time he made his mind shrap.... pulled out his phone and put the camera on in hidden area. he didn't even know Mia also had put camera. Then he slowly walked forward then he heard door knob moving it means Mia went outside...Mia pretending to be don't know anything and then Mia looked at the figure stands like statue.
Mia-: Ohh...You're here?
Jungkook-: Hmm....why did you call me here?
Mia-: Nothing....just like that...
Jungkook-: Look what do you want this is my last question to you.....seriously what do you want?
Mia-: I told you.....I want you...
Jungkook-: But I'm married I told you already.
Mia-: Still i want you...
Jungkook sighed in Annoyed.
Jungkook-: Look I think-
Mia-: You think what?
Jungkook-: Mia please....stop this....I want to leave...
Mia-: You can stay here with me....
Jungkook-: Mia....What happened If you are going through something you can tell me.
Mia-: No....I love you....
Jungkook-: I want to sort out everything. I'm here now after 4-5 days I'll leave Bangkok. Then what?
Mia-: I'll come with you...please I love you....Please...accept me.
Jungkook-: But- *cuts off*
Mia-: Have S** with me...just for fling.
Jungkook-: What? You want me to sleep with you just for fling....
Mia-: Yes....
Jungkook-: if you really love me then you never sexualize me. Since day one you've always hit on me in seductive way. First in the washroom, second In your room and third right now.
Mia-: I really love you.
Jungkook-: you've always a physical attraction towards me. You must be think that I'm good in bed maybe I'm....but I'm not interested in you.
Mia-: what am I lacking? I'm beautiful and I've got beautiful body what's more?
Jungkook-:when did I say you're not beautiful.... Let me go now....
Mia-: You can't leave like this *she hugged him tightly*
Jungkook used his all strength to yanked her hands.
Jungkook-: Shut up....You know what you're Nothing buy A Slut.
Mia-: What? What did you say?
Jungkook-: A slut who can go to bed with anyone.
Jungkook about to opened the door Mia grabbed his left arm tightly makes him hover over her.
Mia-: yes you're right I'm a Slut.... *With this she kissed his lips harshly and he trying to pushed her but this he can't*
Jungkook-: Mmmmm....mmmm *he yanked her but she grabbed his shirt collar kissed his neck*

Meanwhile Y/N, jimin, seokjin and Yuri looking for Jungkook but they couldn't find him anywhere but Jimin knows where was he in this time so pretending to be looking for him in every room. Party was going on everyone enjoying party and These four looking for only one person. Then Four of them came to Y/N and jungkook but they found no one then jimin heard a male and a female sound came from 394.
Jimin-: Who's there.....
Y/N runs after him jimin opened the door The visual both of them saw the ground slipped beneath their feet. Both of them (Mia and Jungkook) were in Half n** *ed. Jungkook wore the shirt but Buttons are all open.
Jungkook get from her and buttoned his shirt first. Then Seokjin and Yuri came at the spot.
Seokjin-: What happened? What's going on here? Jungkook what are you doing here?
Yuri-: and who's this girl?
Jungkook-: She's Mia....
Mia-: Hello....
Jimin-: Mia....
Mia-: yes....
Jimin-: Home wrecker.....Don't you feel ashamed of sleeping with someone's husband?
Mia didn't show any guilty and jungkook looked so calm...
Jimin-: What are you doing? Did you come here yourself or this girl called you here?
Jungkook didn't response anything....

To be continued.....

Bye bye....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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