Chapter 24: New Flame

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POV: 3rd

Noble Six looked from the window and saw Pyrrha heading out with Jaune. "Hey, where are you two headed?"

"On a date" Pyrrha answered. "Also my family lives here, so we're going to visit them." Jaune gave a nervous chuckle to the last part.

The spartan shrugged. "Alright, but remember we're going to talk to Argus base. You might not see us when you get back."

"Okay, we'll be quick about it!" Pyrrha said happily before she pulled Jaune out the door.

Jaune looked around as he held hands with Pyrrha. "So, any ideas?"

Pyrrha smiled and gave a nod. "I know a good restaurant here, let's go!" Pyrrha replied as she lead the way.

Jaune rose an eyebrow as the two arrived at the restaurant.

A large man barely fitting in his uniform came from a room in back to the cash register. When he saw Pyrrha, his eyes brightened with joy. "Pyrrha! It's been a long time!"

Pyrrha laughed and waved. "Hello Pietro! It's good to see you again!"

"I'm guessing the usual today?" The store owner asked

"Yes please! For him as well too." Pietro waves an arm toward an empty table for two.

The two went over and sat down in the chairs. "You know, I've realized something about Onyx" Pyrrha said.

"Hm? What's that?" Jaune asked

Purchase shrugged. "I don't know, but it's like he's more protective than before."

Jaune nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's like an over protective father now." The two began to laugh at the joke. "Maybe he's keeping an eye on us to make sure nothing happens." The two began to laugh a bit more.


Onyx laid on a rooftop, watching the two through a sniperscope. He heard footsteps approach from behind. "What are you doing?" Chief asked

"I'm doing recon" the younger spartan replied. A few moments of silence passed before Onyx was grabbed by the ankle. "Hey, what are you doing?!"

"Taking you home" Chief answered as he dragged Onyx back to the house.

Back with Jaune and Pyrrha, the two finished their food at the restaurant and began to walk down to the pier, holding hands along the way. "You know, it's kinda crazy how things turned out" Jaune said.

Pyrrha looked at the blonde boy. "What do you mean?"

Jaune rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "Well, it feels like not too long ago that we were just in school. Now we're trying to save the world."

Pyrrha giggled. "Well when you put it like that, you're right. You've grown much as a fighter as well. It seems just yesterday you barely knew how to swing a sword."

Jaune gave a confident smirk. "Well, having two of the greatest warriors on the planet as your masters will help."

The two laughed as they stopped at the railing of the pier and watched the sunset. "It's beautiful sight" Pyrrha mentioned.

Jaune smiled in agreement. "Just like you..." he looked at Pyrrha and noticed a blush on her face. The blonde boy began to beet red. "I said that out loouud!" He spoke nervously,  earning another giggle from the red head.

Pyrrha grabbed Jaunes other free hand, gaining his attention. The two stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity to them before slowy closing in. The two touched lips as they began to embrace, all care seemed to have been swept away by the ocean they stood by.

After some time the two decided to head back. They noticed some scrapes in the pavement that lead back to the house. The two looked at each other in confusion before following it, leading to the front door of Saphrons house. The two stepped inside to see everyone eating dinner. Jaune and Pyrrha smiled to each other before walking to join the company.

I QM SO SORRY!!! I will admit, I am not good at romance scenes. Also, I've been dealing with life problems. Currently in the process of finding a new job.

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