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POV: 3rd

Rtas Vadum had let the humans onto his ship, taking them to safety while Chief and Arbiter finish the Flood here. "We are aboard, humans and elites. Will you not come with us brother?" Rtas asked through the comms.

"No" The Arbiter replied. "This is our fight, and I will see it finished."

Rtas gave a nod before he ordered the pilots to take them back to Earth. He sat in thought, waging a mental war on his mind before settling on a decision. "Prepare a phantom."

"Sir?" One of the elites asked.

"As the Arbiter said, this is our fight. The fate of the galaxy affects us all." Rtas stood up and began to walk to the bay. Once he got there he saw a phantom ready for take off. Rtas got in and went to the pilot seat, he flew the phantom out of the hanger and toward where Chief and the were.

What he wasn't expecting was something to pull him toward the portal. Rtas did everything in his power to get back to the ship but to no avail, he was sucked into the void and appeared over a forest. With all the systems down, all Rtas could do was prepare for a crashlanding. The last thing he saw was five multi-colored blurs that he passed over before he blacked out upon impact.

Five traveling huntsmen, the blurs Rtas saw, went to investigate the sight. "So... Who goes first?" The blonde one asked.

"I think it should be you Jaune." A ginger girl replied.

"What?! Nora why?!"

"Well you WERE the one to say it."

"Of course you'd agree with her Ren."

"Well, he has a point."

"Seriously Ruby?!"

A scarlet haired girl patted Jaune on the back. "Good luck Jaune."

Jaune slumped and sighed in defeat. "Thanks Pyrrha." He headed over to climb inside. He looked around the strange craft a bit before finding what he thought was a door. Jaune reached out to touch it, but the door opened before he even could. Jaune peeked inside before stepping into the room fully. He saw a white mass in what he guessed was a pilot seat. Jaune walked around and saw Rtas, he ran back out to the others. "Nora, Ren! There's someone in here, help me get them out!" Ren and Nora went to go help him.

Pyrrha looked at Ruby. "Who do think it could be?

Ruby shrugged. "Beats me."

The other three worked together to carry the unconscious alien out. Everyone, even those who carried it, were surprised. Pyrrha however had a slight look of fear as well.

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