Chapter 3: Stalkers

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POV: 3rd

Rtas walked around the town the group had arrived at, lost in his thoughts about the day.


Rtas was standing behind the group, watching them as the teens bought them all rooms. Ruby suddenly turned to him. "Hey Rtas, mind getting some stuff for the rest of the trip?" She asked as he was handed the lien to buy everything.

Rtas gave a nod. "I'll won't be gone long."

"Alright, we'll be here" Jaune said as the five went to set the rest of the stuff in their rooms.

Rtas left the building and went to the market, only to remember one key fact. He wasn't human, as soon as the people see him they'd either run in terror or simply refuse service like the innkeeper nearly had. Still, he'll try. Rtas gathered the things they'd need and went to pay them. The merchant glared at Rtas with crossed arms. "What do you want, freak?"

Rtas sighed. "I just need these suppli-"

"WELL TOO BAD!!! I'M NOT SERVICING SOME MUTATED FRE-" a cloaked figure almost as tall as the 7ft alien dropped their supplies on the counter, as well as enough money to cover bith purchases. The merchant glared at the hooded figure but took the money.

Rtas looked at the person as well. "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Until we meet again..." the person replied as they turned to leave. Their voice was distorted, obviously trying to hide who they were. Rtas thought nothing of it, coming to the conclusion that it was just part of the weirdness these humans had that made them different from the ones he fought along side with. That was until he heard the last word the cloaked person said. "Sanghili." Rtas snapped around to see them, but it was if the person had seemingly disappeared.

(End of Flashback)

Rtas was suddenly drawn out of his thoughts when a sword was embedded into the ground in front of him. A man grabbed the sword and lunged at the elite, only for it to bounce off his energy shields. Rtas kicked the man a few feet away before drawing his energy swords. The man turned his sword into a scythe. "I've waited a long ass time for you to be alone" he growled angerly.

Rtas glared at the man. "I'm not looking for a fight, but if you want to go through with this then know that you will die."

The man huffed. "As expected, after all your kind killed my son!"

Rtas slightly recoiled and tilted his head in confusion. "But, my kind have never before been here."

The man stood straight a bit and reached for his scroll. "Oh, so I should just believe you when my wife killed this!" He showed Rtas a photo of a decapitated elite, a few feet away from it though Rtas saw a spartan.

It didn't take long for Rtas to put two and two together. "You... Are thr father of Ruby Rose."

Qrow gave a nod. "Yeah, I am. Now, any last words before I slaughter your ass?" He said, getting ready for a fight.

Rtas put his weapons away. "Nothing can atone for the blood on my hands. I am sorry for your loss, but I have made a promise that I'd protect them."

After a few seconds of mental debate Qrow put his weapon away. "So, why still travel with them."

"You aren't the only one who follows us" the elite replied.

Rtas explained to Qrow what happened, earning a nod in agreement from him. "Not a lot of people know about that. I'll trust you... For now." Rtas gave a nod, ending the conversation and the two split up.

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