Chapter 13: Forces to be Reckoned

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POV: 3rd

"Bu-But how? You're supposed to be dead!" Cinder yelled angerly.

Noble Six just crossed his arms. "That's the thing, spartans never die." Hearing this Cinder went into a fit of rage and went to attack the spartan, only to miss every time. "You know maybe if you trained instead of trying to take your anger out on my sister, then maybe your hits would actually hit a bit closer to home." Six ducked under a sword swip and slammed the butt of his weapon into the Fall Maidens gut, knocking the air out of Cinder. Noble Six stood up right and watched as she gasped for air. "You know, you are really starting to bore me."

Cinder slowly got up. "Impossible... I'm... A maiden! How are you this strong?!"

Six shrugged. "Genetics I guess, or maybe my augmentations."

"Oh! You think you're being CUTE!!!" Cinder blasted the nearest rubble, not knowing it was the rubble pinning Rtas down. He jumped back into the fight.

"Bitch, I'm adorable!" The spartan proclaimed. This threw Cinder into another fit of rage. She grabbed Six by the visor and slammed him into the ground, causing a crater. "Congrats, I almost felt that one."

"SHUT UUUUUPPP!!!" Cinder summoned all the fire she could to burn him.

After about five minutes she relented, only to see the spartan still standing. "Can you do me a solid and do that again? It's COLD here!" Six shook a bit to try and warm up. "Oh wait, I think I got it." Six looked at his TACPAD and began to mess with the element unite.

Cinder was growing more annoyed by the second, clenching her fists and visibly shaking. "WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FI-"

"I know I know, hold your horses" Six said, trying to get the temperature exact. "Almost... Aaaaand, got it! Now, where were we?" Cinder went to stab the spartan, but only broke the energy shields. "Oh right, the part where you try to impress me like I'm your alcoholic father." Six looked over his shoulder to Qrow. "No offense dad!"

"None taken!" Qrow yelled back as he dodged a swing from the burly man.

"Alright, let's get this over wi-" Six had to cut himself off when Cinder struck his chestplate, shattering her weapon. "Wow! Rude!"

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?! I SHOULD BE A GODDESS COMPARED TO YOU!!!" Cinder screamed in rage.

"A goddess?... Really?" Six asked




"Spartan fists." Red energy started to spark around his arms.

"Spartan wha?" Cinder asked, her answer was a flurry of punches that each shot off a spartan laser. Noble Six finished with a spartan kick that sent her into her two lackies.

Six looked over to his father. "Hey uh... Need help over there?!"

Qrow dodged an attack from the man that was trying to hunt down Ozpin. "A little!"

"SHUT UP AND FI-" was all Cinder could get out before Six knocked her out. He ran over and grabbed the man by the arm before throwing him away. "So, what's this guys gig? Why's he fighting us?"

Ozpin was the one to answer. "Hazel seeks to end my lives because his sister was training to be a huntress. I sent her on a mission I thought she could handle. Sadly, I was mistaken."

"Wait wait wait, so you mean to tell me he's mad cause his sister chose to die fighting what she believed in?" Noble Six asked, getting a nod from him and Qrow. Hazel got up and let out a roar of fury as he stabbed himself with dust crystals. Six turned to face him. "Get to the relic."

"What?" Qrow asked

"Make sure it's secure, I've got him." Qrow and Oz gave a nod before heading off. Hazel let out a roar in rage as he charged at the two. Six grabbed him around the waist, lifted him up and then slammed him into the ground.

Hazel glared at the spartan. "Out of my way, or I'll kill you too!"

"Oh shut the fuck up!" Six yelled back before the two ran at each other. Hazel threw a punch that Noble Six caught. The spartan repeatedly slammed his opponent into the ground. "I didn't get to choose what I am! A lot of people like me didn't get to choose what we are!" He threw Hazel through a pillar. "Yet we still fought to protect humanity, we embraced what was forced on us cause we knew it gave us the strength to protect the innocent as WELL as each other!" Hazel lunged at Six, only to be caught by the throat and slammed to the ground. "There are hundreds of my kind that died protecting people like you, yet the only ones who will remember them are others of my kind. You have no right to be pissed off that your sister died fighting something she chose to fight for." Six let Hazel go and stood up. "I better not see you trying to fight anyone here ever again, because next time I won't show any mercy." Six began to walk off toward Ruby. "Feel like I'm forgetting something" he mumbled to himself. As soon as he said that though he felt pain erupt from his gut. He looked down to see the blade of an ice sword covered in his blood, the weilder being none other than Raven. "Why does everyone stab me there?" He groaned in pain before falling to a knee.

Ruby looked over to see her brother impaled. "NOOOO!!!" Light erupted from her eyes, waking Cinder by burning away her hidden grimm arm as she collapsed to the ground. Rtas rushed Raven and went for a downward slash. Raven tried to block, only for the plasma blade to cut through her ice sword as if it weren't even there. Raven suffered a wide slash wound going from her right shoulder down to her left hip.

Jaune ran over and tried to stop the bleeding from Six's wound. "It's okay, you'll make it out of here!"

Six flinched to the touch. "You act as if Imma die."


"Yeah, and you're healing me."

"Wait what?" Jaune looked down to see that he was indeed healing the wound.

"Congrats Jaune, you found out that healing is your semblance" Noble Six said as he rose to his feet.

Jaune shook his head. "No, it kinda felt like my aura somehow amplified yours."

The spartan thought on that for a bit. "Hm... Gonna have to try something later." The two stood up and looked around. They saw that every villan was somehow beaten, Yang walked into the room with the relic in hand. "Huh, that went well."

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